Union County SO gets new 911 system

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Sep 25, 2004
South Arkansas
A new 911 system is to go online around August 1, 2005 for the Union
County Sheriff's office. At present, the 911 calls all come into the El Dorado Police Dept and then are transfered to the SO by El Dorado dispatchers.

Any call originating outside the city limits of El Dorado will automatically be routed by the system to go to the UCSO. The UCSO dispatchers can now from one console, activate tornado sirens, dispatch rural fd's, and communicate with all first responders thoughout the region. It also allows them to answer ProMed's (ambulance's) phones if no one is in their station. This is one of the first systems of it's kind in the state.

This part I don't understand:

"It was as as easy as dragging a computer icon into a digital box, said Sheriff Ken Jones. That simple action can "patch" together two diferent agencies in the region, who usually operate on separate frequencies. With the old system, the Arkansas State Police and UCSO could only communicate with the help of dispatchers relaying information."

Now to me that sounds like a differnt dispatch console other than a 911 transfer system. I wonder if UCSO is getting on the AWIN system? That is what it sounds like to me but I could be wrong. It is just that when they said the old system they couldn't communicate with ASP and the new system would allow that.

The system cost the county over $70,000

I know I someone will throw rocks at me for saying this, but, I would like to see UCSO get on the AWIN system.....Then I could hear them loud and clear on Troop F's tower here in Warren. :) The article doesn't mention AWIN or UCSO getting new radios so I doubt that is the case. But patching two frequencies ? ? ? Anyone know what that is? Does it allow the dispatch to act as some sort of hub that takes the traffic from one freq and retransmits it to another frequency? Anyway, that is what I know about the new system. The article is in the El Dorado News Times today 7-5-05.


Jan 7, 2006
El Dorado, AR
Further About Union County's New System

I am employed by the Union County Sheriff's Department as a Dispatcher. We are online on the A.W.I.N. system as of 12/29/2005. However, we are currently using it only as a secondary radio; eventually it will be used as our primary radio.

The information in your "thread" is correct about the implementation of the new 911 system, we are using the "Vesta 2.5" software. All 911 calls made within Union County & outside the city limits of El Dorado are routed to the Sheriff's Department by an automated computer system. The system includes a digital map of Union County roads that displays the location of the caller, with the ability to find an address just by typing it in a search field. All calls are displayed on the map by G.P.S. coordinates whether the caller is calling from a land line or a cellular phone. We now have the ability to transfer 911 calls to any agency in Union County, any surrounding county, or any telephone number in the world. All calls are recorded on the consoles, so now the operator has the ability to review the calls if needed.

We have also implemented new radio consoles (Motorola MCC-5500). The consoles are "state-of-the-art" with touch screen monitors. With the new consoles dispatchers have the ability to monitor/transmit on all frequencies of interest within Union County and a few surrounding counties/parishes. The Sheriff's Department is now responsible for the dispatching of all rural-volunteer fire departments in Union County, the MC-5500 makes this easier with the ability to page-out (tone) with a single touch of the screen. We also have the ability to dispatch and tone all agencies within the city of El Dorado as well as activate the tornado warning sirens. The new console is capable of paging multiple departments at one time as well as transmitting on multiple frequencies at once. The most interesting to me is the ability to patch any two frequencies together simply by "dragging and dropping" a icon on the computer screen.

I found this site and this thread tonight while trying to locate the frequency for the Union County Sheriff's Department on the A.W.I.N. system. I am not a radio person by any means, just a dispatcher who loves his job. If anyone has any questions about Union County's system, feel free to ask me. Also, if anyone knows what Union County S.O.'s A.W.I.N. frequency is, please let me know so I can program it in my scanner.

I am looking forward to talking to you safetyobc.



Sep 25, 2004
South Arkansas
I am sure I have heard you on the radio before. I live in Warren, AR (Bradley County). If you click my Yahoo Group link below you will find others in Arkansas that have interest not only in scanning but in radio. We have dispatchers and scanner people alike. I am a firefighter here in Warren and listen to the ASP and surrounding counties while on duty and at home.

The frequency you guys use on AWIN is the same as troop F dispatch. It is a Talk Group ID of 1001. Unless you have a digital scanner you can't hear it. The only scanners available that will work on AWIN is the Pro96, Pro-2096, BC296D, BC796D, BCD396T, and upcoming BCD996T.

Join the Yahoo Group if you don't mind and post the same information about Union Counties new system. Lots of ppl there will be interested.




Jan 7, 2006
El Dorado, AR
Union County Sheriff's Department Website

I almost forgot to let everyone know about the new website of the Union County Sheriff's Department. It is brand new for 2006 and is being created and maintained by one of our investigators. It has a few interesting items now (pictures, news articles, etc...) and I'm sure it will improve tremendously as time progresses.



Jun 27, 2004
Chappell Hill TX

I don't understand it either. What in the world makes it one of the first? Those
capabilties are already available, have been for years, on other consoles.

safetyobc said:
the region. It also allows them to answer ProMed's (ambulance's) phones if no one is in their station. This is one of the first systems of it's kind in the state.

This part I don't understand:



Sep 25, 2004
South Arkansas
Just an FYI, the Union County Sheriff's Dept. is using TGID 26601 on the AWIN system. I confimed this today and submitted the info to the rr database.

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