Unitrunker SDR newbee needs help!!

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 5, 2017
Humble, Texas
I've been trying off and on to get unitrunker to work first with my PRO-668 with no luck and more recently with my SDR RTL2832U R820T. Turned it on this morning and low and behold I'm getting a channel communication coming thru!! No idea what talkgroup it is or TGID. I guess it may be working but I'm lost on what to do. Nothing is updating but it obviously is on a channel with communication going on. I can stop the receiver and communication stops. Start the receiver and communication resumes. What do I do next?? How do I know what channel I'm listening to?

I have one system selected, TEXAS WIDE AREA RADIO NETWORK (TxWARN) P25. SID 4563 When I go to SITES they are all there, when I go to GROUPS they are all there color coded....hundreds, Channels are all there probably a hundred or so......USERS one, but nothing is updating and I guess I'm just lost on what to do next to get this working right.....it's sort of working but newbee needs an education on the basic steps to take once you've got your SDR setup and running in unitrunker.

I would like to select a specific SITE tower and monitor what TGIDs are operating on that specific site like 001-038 Huffman or 001-014 Harris County Northeast Simulcast tower.

I did try and put in a frequency in VCO in LISTEN 153.7550 so I guess that's what I'm listening to?

Appreciate the help
Larry G
Humble, Texas
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