jaymatt1978 said:
anyone know who uses 155.3400 with a pl of 203.5. It sounds like a bus company but 'm not sure. They have an annoying squelch tail and the whole nine yards. I don't recognize any of the street names either. Any help would be appreciated.
My best bet is that this operation is located in a hospital setting.
I know REMCS uses 203.5 on there med channels while talking
to an x REMCS exployee last week he did not think that the
group was operating out of UMDNJ buildings.
The HEAR radio is not as I known it over the last few years
many squads don't use the system and the ones that do use
it incorrectly. The HEAR radio is either turn off or the volume is
turned to the lowest setting while the hospitals now monitor
the 800 MHZ NJSP trunked based Hospital Emergency Radio
Network (HERN) of course the NJDOH has made sure that
the people that should be able to access this network ( The Squads )
have no access to it. So if you have a patient that is going south
your screwed.