I've had this Whistler WS1065 Scanner running pretty much non stop now for over 2 years without any issues. The other day I came into my shack and noticed it said unknown error on the screen. I turned off the scanner and then turned it back on and it began scanning just fine even picking up local traffic. when it went back to scanning however, it beeped and displayed the unknown error again. I have since tried reprogramming the radio with my backup file. When that didn't work I re-flashed the firmware. That didn't work so I factory reset the scanner and then re-uploaded my backup file. Still now after just a few seconds of scanning it beeps and displays unknown error. Has anyone had this issue? I've searched the forum for anything similar and did not come up with anything. A google search only brought up questions about programming and Heap errors. The scanner works fine until the error pops up. I'm at a loss at this point. Any Idea's. Thanks.