Wish I could find the frequency.
NOTE: For this afternoon flight they've changed the callsign to SAME90 and are headed southwest through SC.
In similar situations, loitering at medium altitudes, I have had remarkable success using a PRO668 in Signal Stalker mode. Oddly DMR upgraded PRO668s seem to have a fair amount of difficulty in side by side comparisons, and absolutely will not stop on anything 30-50mhz, even when a hundred yards away. VHF hi and UHF are not as easily picked up with the DMR upgraded versions but it is still doable, especially in heavy chatter/long term scenarios.
Something about the upgraded software seems to be the issue, as I have bought a number of units, stock and upgraded and the issue doesn't seem to be a one off situation.
I realize most folks have likely upgraded everything, but it is something to think about.
Also, since the Whistler/PRO668s wont cover the 54-88mhz range, I will usually run whatever Unidens I have availible at the time in a search and store mode, Custom Search, 25khz steps 30-76mhz, and have caught 70-something mhz comms, in similar loitering A2G scenarios, 151.4 if the signal is strong enough.
The JAG78 flights make me think of a couple of early 2021 scenarios, the following copy/pasted from
So anyone who has interest in NC MilCom and has done a search of this site knows this post: https://forums.radioreference.com/threads/nc-mil-air-discussion-thread.100501/post-1771869 I printed it off into little pocket sized carry cards and stuck em with my scanners. RMPDCOP posted a lot of...
The ones mentioning KVUJ/Stanly Co were snagged using my above described method.
75.300 FM. Same chirp/encryption sounds as heard on 01-06-21 on 75.65 and on 01-07-21 on 75.75FM. 96-6042 AE272C currently orbiting area over Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge, south of KVUJ. VIKINGxx reported in area to KVUJ tower approx 1015h. No in the clear tx heard yet. -AJ ALBEMARLE, NC 01/11/21 15:49:38
75.650 FM very strong encrypted signal. presumably from AE66CD currently orbiting southern Stanly county area on adsbexchange. 4/13/21, 1125h. -AJ ALBEMARLE, NC 04/13/21 15:41:36
75.650 FM very strong encrypted signal. Presumably from 96-6046 (AE0437) currently orbiting Stanly/Montgomery/Anson counties on adsbexchange. 4/14/21, 0915h. -AJ ALBEMARLE, NC 04/14/21 13:22:33
Further descriptions, including use of encrypted comms on 130.300 AM are described under the ID#'s 13591 and 13593 and 13622. which don't want to copy/paste correctly.