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Using APX6500/4500 With Boom-Mic Headset and Footswitch


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2012
Lake Forest, CA
I've done my research to the best of my abilities and have not seen any posts on this: I am looking to configure an APX6500 (could also apply to the APX4500) to work with a boom-microphone headset (Plantronics, preferably) and a footswitch. The purpose is to use the APX mobile in a quasi-dispatch position setting.

I have little time these days for prototyping, so I'm hoping someone out there has already done the heavy-lifting on this configuration.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2012
Lake Forest, CA
Thank you both.

Full disclosure, and for the sake of clarity: I work for a county government agency as a telecom engineer and work primarily in dispatch centers/PSAPs. I know how to use and configure MCD 5000s, RGUs, MCC 7500/E systems, K-core and L/M-core, etc., so I know a thing or or two.

That said, I have a customer that just wants a simple, low-cost solution utilizing the APX 6500 that they already have. They don't want to invest in any backhaul subsystems, etc.. I'll be honest in saying while I do personally own several APX mobiles, and have interfaced with them on many occasions over the last 10 plus years here at work, I have actually never had to wire a boom-mic headset to one.

Looks like I'm going have to prototype something and see if I can get it to work and report back on my findings.

Kind Regards,



Feed Provider
Jul 29, 2012
East of the Mississippi
So they make a headset jack and foot pedal for the MCD remote. I would think you may be able to build a small interface box to use those default devices. The issue may be audio as they are built to use 600 ohm balanced and not normal AC voltages you will find on the back of the APX. Personally in the end time is money also. It may be simpler to add the MCD with the proper accessroies for FP and Headset and use local control of the MCD. No need for an RGU for your use case. Lots of ways to do what they want but as said simple is never simple.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
So they make a headset jack and foot pedal for the MCD remote. I would think you may be able to build a small interface box to use those default devices. The issue may be audio as they are built to use 600 ohm balanced and not normal AC voltages you will find on the back of the APX. Personally in the end time is money also. It may be simpler to add the MCD with the proper accessroies for FP and Headset and use local control of the MCD. No need for an RGU for your use case. Lots of ways to do what they want but as said simple is never simple.
We bought some of those boxes from Planet Headset in 2018, installed them on APX4500 "go box" radios so we could use our standard 2-phone plug headsets, PTT "bottoms" and foot pedals. I'll have to go back and look at the invoice from Bearcom (yes, we bought them thru them) but IIRC they were around $400 a pop just for the boxes. Had to tweak some J2 audio settings, it's been a while but I'll look through my notes to see what we did.


Feed Provider
Jul 29, 2012
East of the Mississippi
I think the basic headset box is wired the same as a desk mic on the MCD. Either will work in the RJ45. So I would think it would be quite possible to create a small box to do that. Being the jackbox has a plug on it maybe even a short cable from J2 to the Jackbox. It has all the connections you need for J2.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2012
Lake Forest, CA
I want to thank all of you who have replied with your excellent comments and suggestions.

I have found a company that makes a turn-key solution for the APX 6500 platform. They're called RadioMate (radiomate.com). Their JackMate product line is ideally suited to do what I need to do. One of our other engineers recommended them. I called them on the telephone and was thrilled to hear that they have been working with Motorola mobile radios for quite a while. They carry everything from the headset (wired and wireless) wired with the ubiquitous 2-prong connector, jack boxes, and a Line Master-built footswitch.

Plan B would have been to go the MCD 5000 route.

Kind regards,
