Common sense gone by the way-side.....
WGMD.COM » Delaware First State in the Nation to Outlaw CB radios? » Print
The owners and operators of Citizens’ Band (CB) radios, however, are out of luck. After the ban on mobile devices takes effect in early 2011, drivers using CBs, hand-held cell phones, and personal digital assistants (PDAs) will face penalties. First-time offenders will be hit with a $50 fine, while repeat violators will face a penalty of between $100 and $200.
Delaware will be breaking new ground when the law is implemented. No other state in the country prohibits motorists from using CB radios installed in their vehicles.
WGMD.COM » Delaware First State in the Nation to Outlaw CB radios? » Print
The owners and operators of Citizens’ Band (CB) radios, however, are out of luck. After the ban on mobile devices takes effect in early 2011, drivers using CBs, hand-held cell phones, and personal digital assistants (PDAs) will face penalties. First-time offenders will be hit with a $50 fine, while repeat violators will face a penalty of between $100 and $200.
Delaware will be breaking new ground when the law is implemented. No other state in the country prohibits motorists from using CB radios installed in their vehicles.