Not being familiar with that '1900' take this with some 'salt'. One way of using that transmitter for beaconing is to use a 'TinyTrack' (Byonics) fed into the mic-jack using whatever connector is applicable. That would get the signal out, then you have to be able to display that beacon along with all the rest of them, which would mean using a lap-top (or some other computer) for receiving those signals. That's just one way of doing it, there are more. That's how I happen to do it, separate transmitter for APRS and a laptop and receiver for display purposes. Simplest way? Nope, just what I had handy to do it with.
Have fun.
- 'Doc
That laptop has a soundcard that I have a program for to make it a TNC for translating the signals from an old hand scanner from the 'Rat Shack'. Works just dandy. Why the laptop and a hand scanner rather than a radio capable of doing it all by it's self? Big AZZ screen! more information on display. Bad eyes from misuse over a lotta years. Suit your self...