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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

V1.3 Conventional VHF Analog QCII Problems; Missing Pages

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Dec 19, 2002
Anyone else with QCII problems on conventional analog?

V1.3 generally is working great. BT and intermittent connections in the amp charger seem to be greatly improved. The separate P25 trunking priority scan list is a nice feature!

However, I use my G5 predominantly in QCII pager mode. I have major problems. While not mission critical for me, as this is an emergency alerting pager I am concerned if this is happening to the primary target group users.

I am still gathering information but the problems are as follows:

1. In the amp charger, the setting of alert duration to "tone B" length is disregarded; the audible alert tone continues to recycle indefinitely and the message does not record, resulting in missed calls. (This may occur only on first page following reprogramming; my pager has always missed the first page following programming.)

2. Again in the amp charger, the post transmission audio does not squelch until the unit is removed from the amp charger, despite having audio squelch setting on "low" and CTCSS enabled.

3. Timeout reset no longer seems to work. I noted there are reports of timer issues in other reports, so this may be related.

I have 6 page channel knob positions in a Silent Scan list. All channels are discrete VHF analog with only one tone pair per channel, so call stacking is not an issue. In V1.2 this worked flawlessly whether in or out of the amp charger. The G5 scans the channels, alerts on QCII, records the message, and times out after the set 60 second timeout reset. If a second page occurs within 60 seconds, it stops the first recording session and begins a new one. In between the transmissions the receiver properly squelches. The only exception is that for the NWR channel I need to manually reset since the carrier never drops.

I have insufficient data to determine if these issues are as pronounced outside the amp charger.

As much as I appreciate the new features, for my primary use I may need to find the V1.2 firmware and downgrade to restore expected functionality.


Dec 19, 2002
Anyone else with QCII problems on conventional analog?

V1.3 generally is working great. BT and intermittent connections in the amp charger seem to be greatly improved. The separate P25 trunking priority scan list is a nice feature!

However, I use my G5 predominantly in QCII pager mode. I have major problems. While not mission critical for me, as this is an emergency alerting pager I am concerned if this is happening to the primary target group users.

I am still gathering information but the problems are as follows:

1. In the amp charger, the setting of alert duration to "tone B" length is disregarded; the audible alert tone continues to recycle indefinitely and the message does not record, resulting in missed calls. (This may occur only on first page following reprogramming; my pager has always missed the first page following programming.)

2. Again in the amp charger, the post transmission audio does not squelch until the unit is removed from the amp charger, despite having audio squelch setting on "low" and CTCSS enabled.

3. Timeout reset no longer seems to work. I noted there are reports of timer issues in other reports, so this may be related.

I have 6 page channel knob positions in a Silent Scan list. All channels are discrete VHF analog with only one tone pair per channel, so call stacking is not an issue. In V1.2 this worked flawlessly whether in or out of the amp charger. The G5 scans the channels, alerts on QCII, records the message, and times out after the set 60 second timeout reset. If a second page occurs within 60 seconds, it stops the first recording session and begins a new one. In between the transmissions the receiver properly squelches. The only exception is that for the NWR channel I need to manually reset since the carrier never drops.

I have insufficient data to determine if these issues are as pronounced outside the amp charger.

As much as I appreciate the new features, for my primary use I may need to find the V1.2 firmware and downgrade to restore expected functionality.
This change in behavior may be related to the new "call stacking" feature and particulars of my specific situation. Thanks to Ray's Pagers and Unication who are looking into this.
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