You know, that’s something I am struggling with - the “harmonics” issue. Hopefully you can help me out with that
Let’s say that I want to focus on 155MHz and 453MHz. I could, of course, cut a 1/4 wave whip for both frequencies (18.8” for 155MHz, 6.4” for 453MHz) and just swap them out as needed. OK, what if I want to listen to both WITHOUT swapping antennas? I could just use the 18.8” whip since I actually know that works pretty well for the UHF frequency as well and be done with it. But since a FULL wave 453MHz antenna “wants” to be 25.7”, a whip cut to 18” is 73% of a full wave at 453MHz, or pretty damned close to a 3/4 wave. Is that “good” or “bad”? What about cutting the antenna to be a 5/8 wave at 453MHz, which works out to 16”? But then it’s only 85% of the ideal 1/4 wave length for 155MHz. And round and round we go….ahhhh!!!
I think the 16” whip would be best, because it’s exactly 5/8 wave at 453MHz and “nearly” a 1/4 wave at 155Mhz - but I could of course be wrong about that, which is why I’m here LOL!
Any thoughts on my crazy ideas?