The problem, as I understand it, is that the freqs are referred to by a Motorola channel number, not the actual frequency. So, when the control channel says (in effect) "All units on TG 44444, go to channel 308", the scanner knows that, accoding to the Motorola channel plan, channel 308 is 859.9875 MHz. When the PS 800 MHz band is reworked, all the freqs are going to be renumbered, so channel 308 might become 855.3875 Mhz. Your scanner won't have a table with the correct channel number to freq list, so when the CC says to go to channel 308, the scanner won't know to go to 855.3875 MHz, it will go to 859.9875 MHz. That applies whether the scanner is in CC mode, and selects the frequency; or non-CC mode, and the scanner has to locate the scanner channel with the freq that corresponds to the Moto channel number. Only a few of the latest scanners will be able to be reconfigured with the new table.
Note, the above is a very simplistic explaination, and all numbers & freqs were made up for the example. Please, all you trunking experts out there, don't email me and say "you're wrong, channel 308 is actually 8xx.xxxx MHz".
Hope this helps. It took me awhile to understand this myself! :lol:
Mark S.