VHF marine info

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Nov 29, 2005
Hello all - thought i'd go ahead and start another post ... just to make sure all who want to see it. A couple questions for you folks out there that love the water as much as i do ...
1st - I was visiting friends in MKE yesterday, and as we walked along lake michigan (near campus) I picked up a lot of radio traffic on my portable - if i remember correctly it was on channel 64 or so. It didnt seem like very professional traffic. Any Ideas?
2nd - Can boaters use VHF out on the water for vessel-vessel transmissions, or would the fcc get angry? Please don't refer me to their homepage ... give me your answer from your experience! Bandplans?
3rd - Where in wisconsin can you hear VHF transmissions - ie, any in inland waters - do any sheriff offices monitor? what about other uses on the wisconsin river, or maybe lake mendota in madison?
4th - Okay, for the complicated one - are all of the 88 frequencies (i think) simplex? are marine portables preprogrammed this way, or does one need pl tones or whatever to access an on shore rptr?
Thank you -
Lars B


Pastor and Chaplain Responder
Oct 22, 2005
Hi, Lars - Hopefully I can shed some light on some of your questions.

(1) There are several 'chatter' type channels set aside for boat to boat communications. Some of those are VHF 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 78.
Port operations are supposed to be limited to 65, 66, 12, 73, 14, 74, and 20.
Commercial channels are 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 77, 18, 19, 79, 80 and 88.
The Distress and Calling channel is 16.
Intership Safety and coordination is on 6.
Environmental cleanup coordination on 15.
Liaison with US Coast Guard is on 22.
Coast Guard (only) op's on 21, 81, 82, 23, and 83.
Aid to Navigation is on 13.

The problem is that since no licensing is required any longer, RULES are frequently ignored because there is no accountability.

(2) You asked if VHF can be used on the water - I am assuming that you mean OTHER than marine frequencies... and I have no info on that other than if you are licensed for Business Operations and your boat is part of that business, it is operationally feasable to use Business VHF for that purpose. It is not lawful to operate a Marine Radio on land UNLESS certian criteria are met and a special authorization is on file with the FCC. This would include Sheriff's Departments who have channel 22 in their mobile radios to spot, locate and report vessels in distress to the Coast Guard during mutual aid assists.
You can also use FRS and MURS equipment on the water as well as GMRS if you hold a GMRS license.

(3) Anywhere you have navigable waters, you will have marine radio operations.

(4) There are some marine radio-telephone channels which are split - I don't use them so I do not have a list that's up to date. MOST all others are simplex without CTCSS tone.

Hope that helps, some.
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