I cant speak to the rest of it but at my center Simulcasting(Patching) is 2 or channels tied together so everyone hears everything. A example would be 2 agencies who do not have a common frequency may simulcast two repeaters so both agencies can talk and hear each other. In a multicasting scenario, the dispatcher can hear both frequencies, or repeaters or sites, and field units can hear the dispatcher but not each other. DPS regularly "multiselects" two districts so they can staff up fewer positions at night, rarely can I hear District 9 mobiles in Dist 4 in Yuma at night but I hear the dispatcher talking to units in District 4 and 9 most nights . Every once in a while I can hear district 4 and 9 cars, for a dispatcher, sometimes its easier to patch than to multiselect. Easier to hear less chance 2 officers in two distant locations would talk over each other.
My console has a folder with six "patches" I can set up, or six "multiselects". I can set them up before I need them and turn them on and off as needed.
There is a bit of a difference between the above example and mine, but the concept is the same, either expanding the users, expanding the coverage or expanding the geographic footprint for a certain dispatcher.