I stumbled onto to this article that I think you railroad monitors might find interesting. They talk about "virtual rail fans" watching railroad and train activity on-line. The hobby bring tourist to railroad towns to see things first hand and in person. I found it interesting yet disappointing there is no mention of monitoring them with radios and scanners. Or course they can't use scanners if they're not there. I haven't checked but are there any websites that stream railroad radio traffic on-line? They don't know what they're missing. Maybe it will catch on when go to the towns and they encounter others with radios.
The surprisingly popular world of online trainspotting: ‘Some people keep it on 24 hours a day’
Betsy Reed
Editor, Guardian US

The surprisingly popular world of online trainspotting: ‘Some people keep it on 24 hours a day’
Betsy Reed
Editor, Guardian US

The surprisingly popular world of online trainspotting: ‘Some people keep it on 24 hours a day’
Aided by station-mounted cameras, fans are breathing new life into America’s forgotten railway towns – online and IRL