There are 2 different Sentinel software packages.
HomePatrol Sentinel and BCDx36HP Sentinel software.
Separate and different programs that are required for each platform (HP1 & x36HP).
Sentinel software was originally developed for the HP1. The x36HP incorporate the HP (Home Patrol) philosophy/features/capability and therefore has carried the Sentinel software forward to the new platform but changes were needed due to additional features on the x36HP platforms.
I have both a HP1 and 536 HP. I have to use both Sentinel programs for each platform for Master Database Updates, Firmware Updates, and use it for general Profile editing and Favorite List programming. There are other 3rd party software packages for both the HP1 platform and soon to be release for the x36HP platform, however, you will still need to use the Sentinel program for some of the utilities as the 3rd party programs will not fully replace the Sentinel software.
They are very similiar and luckily they appear to be written with some consistency so it is not too hard to jump back and forth between the 2 programs.