BCD396XT/BCD996XT: volume on scanner


Mar 30, 2024
Huntingburg In
I have a BCD996XT scanner. I use it to monitor 800HMZ digital trunks systems. When it receives a police dept dispatch audio comes through at a very high volume.The mobile unit responding has very low audio. I have tried to research things to change. The settings I have changed are the ones listed: Adjust audio AGC then I picked digital AGC then highlighted response time set it to minus 8 then I went to reference gain set it to 0 then I turned P25 LP filter to ON next I went to P25 adjust model set it to 11. Next I went to P25 adjust level set it to 50. Still have very large variations of volume between base and mobile. Have tried but not found any settings under the above menus to remedy this situation. Art.E.


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
The problem is in the system you are receiving. They need to properly adjust their levels. The P25 LP Filter should not be used unless you hear a 4 KHz whistle. It takes up a lot of the microprocessor time and degrades scanner performance. Don't bother adjusting any levels. It will not do any good. If units are on the same talkgroup, there is nothing you can do about it. If levels are different on conventional frequencies or different talkgroups, you can use Volume Offset to match the levels.