At least if both are on DSDM, they only open on the correct slot.
That is my finding. The Chinese pretty much do what they want and without regard to standards or reliability. Ham radio mentality in Part 90 world..
Last night during state of the union address I was playing with my Alinco DMR HT (MD5), Kenwood NX5300 and VP8000. As in my previous post, The VP8000 does not have MSDM option but does exhibit a strange behavior unique to it: It receives MSDM traffic on the opposite TS. Even though the VP does‘t do MSDM it will still let you set a TS (not grayed out). Other radios with MSDM turned on will ignore the VP transmission treating it as non DSDM which of course it is.
However the VP will receive MSDM traffic but only if the VP has an opposite TS selected! So while not being a MSDM radio
it still reacts to which TS is set on radio while receiving. I suspect this is unintended by EFJ resulting from less than perfect code. If I put the VP in Auto Slot it will NOT receive MSDM traffic sent on either slot. The VP with auto slot set transmits as a non dsdm should, being ignored by MSDM radios. When VP is paired with other radios not running MSDM it behaves as expected. The only use for the odd behavior is that I can monitor MSDM signals with VP, albeit on opposite TS. I can’t talk back.
Now to the MD5 whose CPS looks nearly identical to anyone (same manufacturer?) and has multiple settings useable in simplex.
—Simplex TDMA = DSDM working as expected only on TS set.
—Through Mode = Always transmits non DSDM but will receive anything (TS 1, 2 & non DSDM).
— TDMA Adaptive Mode = It will receive anything and Talk Back in same format (MSDM & TS used or non MSDM) it previously received. If MD5 initiates TX it does so in nonDSDM so there is a timer somewhere I guess.
Pretty interesting. In adaptive mode it can receive qualified traffic on either TS and respond on that same TS. The MD5 doesn’t Auto Select in the sense of finding a free TS to initiate a call but can move to and operate on whichever TS is carrying qualified traffic. All in simplex mode…
Stands to reason that it’s possible to create a feature that adds in auto select for initiating a call. All of this appeals to experimental users and for creating agnostic SFR solutions for SU radios that can’t do split TS’s . For normal simplex and serious work I‘m not sold on MSDM because there is more to fail (timing), not a DMR standard and possible cross brand issues.