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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Vx800 error


Aug 11, 2015
Good morning everyone
I have a vertex vx800 and when I recently turn the radio on the channels blink and when I hit PTT the screen says error. I have had this radio for about 7 years and never had an issue. Could anyone help me with why this is happening and what I could do to fix it?


Dec 21, 2006
With this info there's too many guesses... Does it RX and not TX or are both not functional?
It could be the VCO out of lock/low voltage, corrupted programming, chip/part failure.
Have you tried reading & reprogramming it with the software? Get the service manual and check the test points. I can't remember but think these have a memory battery that may have died (memory corruption/loss). If it has been sitting without a battery this would be more of an educated guess.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 20, 2020
Cypress, CA
I worked at Vertex (Yaesu) and supported VX-800 when it was being sold in the 90s. A blinking display means that the VCO is out of lock and, of course, it won't transmit either if the VCO is out of lock. First thing I would do is read (upload) the programming and see if it looks OK on the PC. If it looks OK, problem is likely a hardware failure requiring troubleshooting and repair. If programming looks corrupt, re-write a known-good program back into the radio. VX-800 does not have an internal memory battery and should retain programming indefinitely without any power attached.

If you reach wit's end and still can't get it working, and you simply must have a working VX-800, I have one each VHF and UHF VX-800 that work fine that I can let you have fairly cheap (ie: the XYL wants me to get rid of them).

de N6HHR - good on QRZ.com


Jan 21, 2013

i have and issue as well

i have a vx800 uhf

i am trying to program it and the computer reads and writes it w no problem

when i try to use the radio it shows as if it was completely blank... the screen only show ----------- then beeps... if I take the little chip board out it shows whats programed but doesn't do anything else in regards to tx rx. when reading it through the program it shows that i already wrote to the radio what was needed to be put on to it.

i dont know what the problem could be... i also loaded afresh clean file and then reloaded the one i created and it still give me the same issue...

im pretty sure its not the cps and is the radio but not sure how to fix it

does anyone have any ideas what it could be? I would love to put this radio back into service



Premium Subscriber
Jan 20, 2020
Cypress, CA
If the display shows -------- (eight dashes) and the radio beep-beep-beeps, it is reporting that the selected channel has no data or is in locked-out (in the software) status. Could also be that the currently selected channel group has no data for this channel.

Turn the channel selector to a channel that you know has valid data in it and is enabled (not greyed-out in the software) for use. If the dashes and beeps continue, use a button you have programmed for Group Up/Down and cycle through the groups til you find a group with valid channel(s).

"Little chip board"? An accessory board that plugs-in behind the battery? Do you know which one you have? Might be for 2-tone paging decode (F2D5), voice inversion scrambling (FVP-22), or SmarTrunk II analog trunking (VTP-50). Part of the problem may be that the software thinks you have one accessory board when you actually have a different one plugged-in. (Been a long time...)

Will keep working with you as best I know how to get this figgered-out.

73, David, N6HHR


Jan 21, 2013
If the display shows -------- (eight dashes) and the radio beep-beep-beeps, it is reporting that the selected channel has no data or is in locked-out (in the software) status. Could also be that the currently selected channel group has no data for this channel.

Turn the channel selector to a channel that you know has valid data in it and is enabled (not greyed-out in the software) for use. If the dashes and beeps continue, use a button you have programmed for Group Up/Down and cycle through the groups til you find a group with valid channel(s).

"Little chip board"? An accessory board that plugs-in behind the battery? Do you know which one you have? Might be for 2-tone paging decode (F2D5), voice inversion scrambling (FVP-22), or SmarTrunk II analog trunking (VTP-50). Part of the problem may be that the software thinks you have one accessory board when you actually have a different one plugged-in. (Been a long time...)

Will keep working with you as best I know how to get this figgered-out.

73, David, N6HHR
Tha KS for the reply I tried everything blank codeplug fully loaded codeplug dud chip scrambling chip you name it... All have the same issue