Anyone from the area Waitsfield - Warren to fill me in on some good freqs and how things are setup in the area. I've seen the database records and the usual lists. But looking for some local confirms in the area and to see who covers what.
You'll frequently hear that area referred to as "the valley". Unless things have changed radically since last summer, here's what you can expect:
Vermont State Police Middlesex handles the area on 460.425.
Washington Co. sheriff patrols and does speed enforcement on 460.350.
VT Fish & Wildlife are frequent visitors, 159.405.
Happy listening!
I know that Sugarbush is already in the Washington County database. but here they are again with tones and correct descriptions. I apologize in advance If this is the wrong place to submit this. I am new to this site.
I have no idea what channel the parking crew is on these days. Anyone?
I hear Hap's Service Station on 154.540 Think this site says it is Allen Lumber? mabey they share the freq and have different tones? I have no tones for either.
The TPL listed on this site for the Washington County Sheriff as 118.8 (460.350) does not seem to work. CSQ on that.
Here are two of Green Mountain Valley Schools Channels. They have more but I don't know them.
151.715 / 151.715 TPL 114.8 (Simplex)
151.625 / 151.625 TPL 114.8 (Simplex)
The best repeaters you could hear in that area are probably the 145.150 on Mansfield, Burlington 146.610, and Williamstown 146.625. Tone is 100.0Hz on all.
I also find I can get into various 145MHz repeaters in NH and NY, depending on topography, in that area of the state.
There's a repeater on top of Mt Ellen (almost at the top) - Listed as K1VIT aka W1GBB (I think) that should have a pretty good range. I'd say its at about 3500 to 3600 ft. elevation.
I have a license but haven't been active. My UHF handheld doesn't work until I'm at least part way up the mountain and I don't have a VHF radio. I keep meaning to put a radio on the car. I've thought of trying to get a GMSR repeater up on the mountain.
N2MRG Do you live there ? I come up now and then, stay on the sugarbush access road for some R&R visits. Sometimes a week, or a weekend. Been doing it almost 20 years.. I have my ham but have not really used it. I really got it for a group i volenteer with, I have radios and scannerss in my truck and just monitor and play for the most part.