Wall Twp, need usage confirmation


DXpeditioner, RRDB & Google-fu ninja 4 hire
Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2006
Philly burbs 🇺🇸
I logged 453.3375, DMR TG-4, Slot-2, CC-1 this morning while conditions were favorable & submitted it as a public works channel. I have since lost pickup on it with waning propagation. Later reviewing the logs I realized that the UIDs (4000 series) differ from those for the listed 453.2625 public works channel (1000 series) which seemed more active than the 453.3375 frequency this morning. They discussed placing detour signs at various intersections which I confirmed to be in Wall Twp. Now I'm not sure if DPW or a different department altogether. Audio clip of 453.3375 is here (nothing useful after about 1:10 into clip). Anyone in the area have any insight so I can confirm or amend my submission? Thanks in advance
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