My first couple of years as an amateur, I have been using an older MFJ-949E manual antenna tuner. It works well and I like the cross needle readout for peace of mind.
Getting lazy in my old age and am considering the LDG IT-100 ATU for my new IC-7200 rig. But, no meter on that tuner.
I don’t know if I trust the LDG to “tune” without being able to see the resulting SWR before my eyes like I can now. And, SWR readouts on HF rigs are nortiously inaccurate.
So, should I add a meter between the ATU and the rig? If so, what meter offers the most bang for the buck?
Or, ought I just trust the tuner to do its job?
Grateful for all input.
73, Jeff
Getting lazy in my old age and am considering the LDG IT-100 ATU for my new IC-7200 rig. But, no meter on that tuner.
I don’t know if I trust the LDG to “tune” without being able to see the resulting SWR before my eyes like I can now. And, SWR readouts on HF rigs are nortiously inaccurate.
So, should I add a meter between the ATU and the rig? If so, what meter offers the most bang for the buck?
Or, ought I just trust the tuner to do its job?
Grateful for all input.
73, Jeff