We Need Updated and New Database Information for California

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K9DJW - Senior Member
Database Admin
May 10, 2005
The Valley (SFV), Los Angeles, CA
Hey everyone,

We are seeking new and/or updated information for the California database. What we are asking is that you look at the California database for your area (and others if you wish) and verify what is there, and also, if you notice anything that is missing. New found frequencies, TGIDs, and systems may be posted in this thread as well.

Post you findings here in this thread so we can cross reference it before a submission is made to make a change in the database. You need only post changes or additions. Be sure to identify the County, City, Agency, TRS, etc. This is only for California systems.

Other things of interest are welcome, as well; such as news, maps, radio codes, diagrams, links, extended explanations of channels/TGIDs and system data, history or technical data on agency or agency's radio system, something you always wish was there but isn’t, etc.

Don’t hold back - if you think it might help or add to the database, then submit it here.

The goal is to make the California database the best database available, in any media form (print, digital, etc.).

Also, if you have not already done so, please check out this thread for the new RadioReference.com Version 2.0 Beta Release. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Thank you from your California Database Admins/Moderators and RadioReference.com.

[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Note: we cannot guarantee that all submitted information will be added to the database. [/FONT]


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Dec 9, 2000
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Thanks Dave, I echo these sentiments for all of us... this site is ONLY successful because of the countless admins and submitters who have built this database.

Please, if you have the time, take a look at a county or two that you are familiar with and send us some updates... you'll make the rest of the audience here very happy to see the knowledge that you know.


DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Not trying to be a wet blanket, but....

I've submitted 90%+ of the info for my county, and many times, submissions were met with frustration. Things would get bounced between DB Admins, and occasionally I'd have to resubmit info. Because the submission is web-form based and no "receipt" is emailed, I'd have to recreate the info each time. The delays between my submission and the info getting into the DB often went into the weeks.

The submission system works well for small corrections or updates, but is cumbersome for large submissions of data.

I'd welcome the opportunity to become a DB Admin for my area (Monterey/SLO/Santa Barbara Counties) so I could just handle it myself, but don't know what the criteria is for creating administrators.

With California being such a large, populus state, I'd think having more admins could be useful. I know it's a hobby and nobody's getting paid (I understand, believe me, as I used to publish a printed guide and run a website, and still am an active contributor/editor for two printed scanner publications), so often times life gets in the way of getting submissions edited and uploaded.

I just think CA could use a few more good admins, and am willing to put my money where my mouth is by stepping up.


Aug 10, 2005
Sacramento County, California
i'd also be willing to be a dbadmin as well. :)

The Information for The City of Rocklin, and Sierra College campuses (rocklin and grass valley), are all accurate and in use.

The information for Nevada County Sheriff is accurate and in use. Grass Valley PD's frequencys are correct and in use, along with Scotts flat lake campground.



Feb 20, 2001
Kirk said:
Not trying to be a wet blanket, but....

I've submitted 90%+ of the info for my county, and many times, submissions were met with frustration. Things would get bounced between DB Admins, and occasionally I'd have to resubmit info. Because the submission is web-form based and no "receipt" is emailed, I'd have to recreate the info each time. The delays between my submission and the info getting into the DB often went into the weeks.

The submission system works well for small corrections or updates, but is cumbersome for large submissions of data.

I'd welcome the opportunity to become a DB Admin for my area (Monterey/SLO/Santa Barbara Counties) so I could just handle it myself, but don't know what the criteria is for creating administrators.

With California being such a large, populus state, I'd think having more admins could be useful. I know it's a hobby and nobody's getting paid (I understand, believe me, as I used to publish a printed guide and run a website, and still am an active contributor/editor for two printed scanner publications), so often times life gets in the way of getting submissions edited and uploaded.

I just think CA could use a few more good admins, and am willing to put my money where my mouth is by stepping up.

I agree with about 99% of what your saying. SOmetimes info is submitted and one admin submits it but another comes along and changes it.

I would like to see one admin per county or something similar. That way, the admin can verify the information submitted to their area themselves, rather than an admin in socal adding information to the database in northern cal. just another way to get accurate information.

I would be more than willing to do it for the Sacramento area.


K9DJW - Senior Member
Database Admin
May 10, 2005
The Valley (SFV), Los Angeles, CA
Keep On Topic

Please keep this thread on topic. This thread is only for posting information to update, correct, or add to the California database. Think of it as the same type of information you would post to the RadioReference.com Database > Submit Info utilty, just a little more descriptive.

If you have suggestions on how the site should be ran, please post you comments in the Administration and Help forum.

Thank you for all for your help in making RadioRefernce.com the best.
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K9DJW - Senior Member
Database Admin
May 10, 2005
The Valley (SFV), Los Angeles, CA
Sign Up For Your County

Hi fellow Californians and others,

Who wants to be the representative for your county and/or surrounding counties? You can sign up in this thread to represent an area. You can pick more than one area and more than one person can cover the same area.

Listed below are all the counties in California. Pick the one(s) you would like to represent and post it/them here in this thread. Then we will know who will be covering what area.

What you will be doing is checking and verifying the information in the database for your area(s). Additionally, you can seek out new data to submit to this thread for further review and evaluation, before submitting it to the database.

Here are the counties, pick the one(s) you would like to cover and then post them here so we can begin making a list:

Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba

Thank you from the California Database Administrators.

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Jun 7, 2004
Sacramento/Bay Area, CA
I can help with Sacto. Willing to also work with Amador, Placer, El Dorado, Yolo, Sutter, and San Joaquin if necessary. (although others are more expert with some of those)


Feb 20, 2001
Sacramento, Contra Costa, San Joaquin and Alameda for me.

Because of the size of Sacramento County, I think more than one person would be best. I can take South county and Bill can take central and Ant can take North. Geographically, I think that would work best.
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Oct 29, 2005
I Will be honored to help with Yolo County and Sacramento if necessary
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Dec 8, 2005
I'll take Nevada County. I could do Yuba, Sierra, Placer and Butte counties too.

Although I still think the database should be a Wiki.



Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
BirkenVogt said:
I'll take Nevada County. I could do Yuba, Sierra, Placer and Butte counties too.

Although I still think the database should be a Wiki.
Sorry, but that's a bad idea. As a systemwide administrator you wouldn't believe what people submit. :roll:

Birken, it's not difficult to submit the information so I'm missing why you think a Wiki would work better? I could care less if someone sent in 10-20 updates a day. It's good information as far as I'm concerned.

Also, folks, as clarification Dave is just soliciting you to look over your County and submit any corrections or missing information; not for Admin positions. What I'd like to see though is an Admin for the far Northern areas of California. You need to be very familiar with the area and hail from there.



Dec 8, 2005
If it is a Wiki then people will have to take the time to enter the data themselves presumably. And if the data is no good then the next guy that comes along and knows better can simply revert it back to the good information.

What I would like to see would be to split the database. Keep it going as it is now, but at the same time make a parallel Wiki starting with the same information that people could change. I bet you would be pleasantly surprised.

The information contained at http://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Common_Frequencies seems to be very good but it would be a pain to have to re-enter all the database information over again. If it could be done automatically for testing and eventual usage purposes, that would be nice.

Also I doubt you are going to find one person for "far northern california" who is "very familiar" with more than a small region. I am very familiar with the counties listed but only in fire. But I don't just listen to those systems, I also use and maintain them. It's hard to become familiar with systems unless you live right in the middle of them. And they just change too rapidly.

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Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site
BirkenVogt said:
Also I doubt you are going to find one person for "far northern california" who is "very familiar" with more than a small region. I am very familiar with the counties listed but only in fire. But I don't just listen to those systems, I also use and maintain them. It's hard to become familiar with systems unless you live right in the middle of them. And they just change too rapidly.
Familiarity being with the geography and agencies, not necessarily who uses what frequencies, or who contracts who. We get very little information for Counties north of say Yolo anyway so I guess that speaks for itself.
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