Hi all,
Any western Essex County scannists have the unit numbering scheme for the units dispatched on 159.15 (Caldwell borough, West Caldwell, etc)? I'm pretty sure the 400-series are Caldwell PD, West Essex FAS are in 770-779 series, 500-5?? are Caldwell fire, 701-70? for West Caldwell FD and 710-750-ish for WCPD, but I don't know of anything more granular than that. Also, I'm curious about the history for them calling the dispatch "790." I'm guessing that was once the last-three digits of their callsign on a previous system.
I'm also looking for the similar scheme for North Caldwell and Essex Fells.
If anybody's interested, I've managed to pull down the fire toneouts used on the 158.94 Municipal Band for the area (or at least the nearest values that work on the BCD996/396 scanners--I don't have the actual official reed values).
Thanks in advance.
Any western Essex County scannists have the unit numbering scheme for the units dispatched on 159.15 (Caldwell borough, West Caldwell, etc)? I'm pretty sure the 400-series are Caldwell PD, West Essex FAS are in 770-779 series, 500-5?? are Caldwell fire, 701-70? for West Caldwell FD and 710-750-ish for WCPD, but I don't know of anything more granular than that. Also, I'm curious about the history for them calling the dispatch "790." I'm guessing that was once the last-three digits of their callsign on a previous system.
I'm also looking for the similar scheme for North Caldwell and Essex Fells.
If anybody's interested, I've managed to pull down the fire toneouts used on the 158.94 Municipal Band for the area (or at least the nearest values that work on the BCD996/396 scanners--I don't have the actual official reed values).
Thanks in advance.