These 2 items appeared from 'Ken' on the MilAirCommschat Yahoo group...with some editing...
2006 Westfield International Airshow (and base open house)
Location: Barnes Air National Guard Base/Municipal Airport, Westfield, MA
Show Dates: 6/24 & 6/25/06 (with preshow arrival activities 6/23/06).
Website information on directions/parking, performers/static
displays/security requirements, etc:
Barnes Ground Control: 121.7/289.4 (simucast)
Barnes Tower: 118.9/251.1 (simucast)
ATIS (continuous airport info): 127.1
Bradley Approach/Departure Control: 125.35/325.8
Burlington Flight Service Station: 113.0(T), 122.1(R)
Fixed Base Operators (FBO's):
*Five Star Jet Center: 130.625 (licensed to Aeronautical Radio Inc)
(this is the building right to new terminal building)
*General Dynamics: 131.725 (corporate type jets) (licensed to Aeronautical
Radio Inc).
(this is on the other side of the field & caters to business jets)
*Air Flyte: 122.95
(this is next to the control tower/admin building)
104 FW Command Post "Hawk Ops" 138.25 (Maintenance)/143.825, 303.0
(inbound aireraft will
use 303.0)
Army National Guard Aviation Support Activity (Helos) "Minuteman Ops":
46.75 (NFM). 123.05, 356.3
AIRSHOW PERFORMERS (all AM mode unless indicated otherwise):
US Navy Blue Angels (Thanks to Dan from PA for his efforts):
346.5(#18) Solos
237.8 (#8) Solos
275.35 (#9)
284.25 (#16) Solos & Diamons "Air Show Box Area"
305.50 (#10): Fat Albert (C130) take off
255.20 (#17)
Maintenance Support (NFM): 139.8125, 142.6125
T6 Demos: 283.7 possibly
F15 Demo: 384.85
[The Grove list, including Blue Angel frequencies, can be found at: ] ka3jjz
Civilian Aerobatic Performers: 123.15, 123.475. 123.45 (probably 1 or 2
Potential A10's air/air: 139.9, 141.675, 41.45 (NFM), 36.35 (NFM),
36.825 (NFM) 41.95 (NFM) 34.55 (NFM), 38.65 (NFM)
Air Show Control: Will probably be either the tower or ground control freqs
AIRSHOW SUPPORT NETS (NFM mode, possibly some P25):
Security: 148.45 & 150.325
Show Control: 148.475 (possible)
Other Military Support nets: search the band 148-150.8, 138-144, & 406-420
Refer to Grove's "Military Frequency Directory" 2nd edition for additional
base support & air/air frequencies
LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY SUPPORT (all NFM mode, no P25 in use):
Law Enforcement:
On Scene: 800 mhz ITAC repeater & simplex: 866.0125/.5125, 867.0125/.5125,
Westfield PD: 859.9375, 858.2375
Holyoke PD: 159.21R, 158.955R
Southampton PD: 460.3625R
W.Springfield PD: 867.7875R
Mass State PD:
Troop B Trunking System: 852.2625, 857/858/859/860.7875
MSP car/car: 868.95, 868.9625, 868.975, 868.9875
MSP Low Band: 42.46, 42.50, possibly also 42.44, 42.34, 42.50, 42.54
MSP Troop E (Mass Turnpke): 159.225R, 159.03R, 42.42 (Station E3
Westfield), MSP Trunk Talk Group
Area Law Enforcement Coordination Nets: 155.475/460.225/858.7375, 460.475
secondary encrypted
Westfield FD: 154.43R, 153.83
Holyoke FD: 159.645R
W. Springfield FD: 866.475
Area Fire Coordination Nets: 154.28/453.4125, 154.37
Emergency Medical: 159.4125, 155.34, 155.205, 463.075, & other common UHF
med freqs for ambulance/hospital comms
Barnes MAP Airport Authority: 153.920
Refer to Scanner Master's "Southern New England Communications Guide", 10th
edition & "Police Call Frequency Directory" 2005 for additional frequencies.
Many radio hobbyists will be parked near the civilian airport administration building/tower on 6/23/06 starting around 0900 hrs and remaining throughout the day. Generally we will be monitoring FRS Channel 14 / CTCSS 38 (secondary Channel 5, CTCSS 15) (I'll be using the callsign "NIGHHAWK 001"), but anyone new to this "on scene" monitoring adventure shouldn't have any problem finding the group. Generally static aircraft will start to arrive
around 0900 hrs and there will be periods thoughout the day when civilian
performers as well as the Blue Angels practice:
PARK IS VERY LIMITED (approximately 100 parking spaces), & somewhat limits
so parking your vehicle & brings some lawnchairs to set up in the
gated/fenced observation area outside
the admin/terminal building may be the best alternative.
Additional very detailed information on Barnes MAP can be found at: There is a snack bar ('Flight Deck
Restaurant." on site that is open on Friday as well as restroom facilities.
SHOW DAYS (6/24 & 6/25/06):
I'd strongly suggest arrival as early as possible (e.g. right at 0800 hrs
open time so that you get a parking space next to the show area ). Also
expect VERY long delays in leaving the area after the show. In 2005 it took
almost 4 FOUR HOURS to clear all of the parking areas. So pack a supper!!!
RELAX!!! Also on the day of the show I would expect that at least one of
the "wagon guys" will be in attendance somewhere on the show line. From
past experience. hobbyists generally use "the wagon guys" set up as the
meeting point to say
hello. FRS communications on 14/38 would be a secondary method of finding
hobbyists in attendance.
I hope that many of you will have the opportunity to attend both "pre show
arrival" as well as this superb airshow/base open house. Hopefully I'll get
to meet many of you (from the various milcom related as well as general
scanner lists) this year!!!
Dan (from PA) will be the Wagon Guy attending & setup on the show line at
the Westfield International Airshow, Westfield MA this upcoming weekend.
Again depending upon what show (or both shows if you body can stand the
environmental punishment!

) this would be an excellent assembly point for
military radio communications hobbyists to at least meet at & also get a
look at the impressive scanner radios /antennas / dc power setup (mounted on
a wagon) that both Dan has engineered, implemented, & refined over
the many years they attend these shows.
Also please note for those of you not on the military related lists, that
the USN Blue Angels will also be performing at end of of September 2006 on
Nantucket Island for 1 day (not the usual two days).