What Antenna is...

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Jan 4, 2006
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Hello Friends:

Amoung the radios and scanners I have, I also
have a Radio Shack PRO-60 that I use to monitor
milair but I get very little. What antenna I can MAKE
for milair to help my reseption.
It'll be good to also mention that I live in Puerto Rico.

Any sugestions out there??

Thanks, you all!!;)


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
A simple ground plane, fed with good coax (no, I don't mean RG58...) would be nice and easy if we're talking about just listening in a single location. Put it up nice and high, and you should have no real problems.

The other problem is where to find milair in PR? That's a toughie; my military monitoring wiki has 2 links in the websites page that might prove useful - the ARTCC page (unfortunately there doesn't seem to be all that much for the Miami site, but the Houston site seems much better - I'd jump over to the Florida Milcom Yahoo group and see if someone has the correct ARTCC freqs that have a flight path to PR), and the DoD Flight publications (particularly the midair refueling map link - however, it is just about 600 pages, so you'd better have a good T1 line...). There's gotta be some refueling freqs in the Carribbean....73s Mike

[edit] In fact, if you start getting a list together, we could easily put a Wiki page up for it. It would be absolutely fascinating to see what Milair is covered in the PR area - I sincerely doubt there's much of anything covering it.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hola Jose`,

Nice photo on QRZ, that's a cool hat. You can make any kind of antenna that suits your purpose from a groundplane someone mentioned to a Yagi, modeling software like MiniNEC comes in handy. What kind can be a bit tricky since a Yagi may be pointed at the tower but the aircraft can be in another direction and there can be several on the frequency at once. Air to air would have your head spinning faster than the rotor. (;->) I would think a colinear would be ideal BUT too much gain means too low a radiation angle for close in aircraft at high altitude. Groundplane or discone as high as possible? Ah, decisions decisions...


Jan 4, 2006
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Hello Friends:

In Puerto Rico we have the Air National Guard like in any other
state. We also have Civil Air Patrol and U.S.Coast Guard, and
Army national Guard with Black Hawks.
In the past we had a Fighter Squadron But The Macheteros
bomb them to little pices. Now we only have C-130 most of
them left over from the Vietnam war!!

What I'm trying to say with all this is that we most have milair around
here some were and that rober ducky antenna on my PRO-60 is not working for me.:(
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