ok until recently my psr 800 started up fine...now over the last few days, anytime i turn it on it wants me to set the bandplan. even if i set the bandplan in the menu, it still seems to lose it? any ideas of what i did and how to rectify this?
disregard - found my issue - corrupted sd card
I was about to suggest the card. Same thing happened to me last week on my Pro-668. Still baffles me that they would choose such low quality components in such an important area. My 668 is only a couple of mnths old. However, since upgrading the micro sd card it has performed great.
Has absolutely nothing to do with low quality components ...
I have done extensive testing on SD cards for these scanners .. and even a lowly class 4 card will work 100% fine. There is zero benefit to going to a 'faster sd card' in these scanners. You are just wasting your money by buying expensive cards for use in these scanners.
The only benefit .. maybe a bigger size card, to store more data. That is the only benefit of an upgrade.
I have yet to see a proven case of true SD card failure in these scanners when using the stock cards. They are perfectly suited to the job.
However .. SD card corruption is almost always caused by user error, at least in the GRE/Whistler scanners.
That's good to know. Glad I didn't throw my original card outIt wasn't corrupt, i.e. the scanner was still working, but seemed to perform better once I replaced the stock card.
Do you think having a faster card would make the audio recording more efficient? What class cards are typically used in the GRE/Whistler scanners?