what is 154.45250?

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Oct 12, 2005
The Connecticut, State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS). The purpose of the
STOCS System is to provide an Interoperable Radio System for on scene tactical use. It
is intended to allow individuals and groups of responders to communicate when working
at the scene of an incident, using their existing portable radio equipment
The STOCS System consists of three (3) VHF frequencies, three (3) UHF frequencies
and five (5) 800Mhz frequencies combined into five (5) interoperability channel groups
as follows:
CHANNEL ID VHF UHF 800 MHz Operational Area By County
STOCS-1 154.4525 MHz 458.4625 MHz 855.9875 MHz All Counties.
STOCS-2 158.7375 MHz 458.7125 MHz 855.7125 MHz ALL Counties except Fairfield.
STOCS-3 159.4725 MHz 458.8625 MHz 858.4625 MHz ALL counties except Fairfield and New
STOCS-4 158.7375 MHz 458.7125 MHz 860.2375 MHz ONLY in FAIRFIELD COUNTY.
STOCS-5 159.4725 MHz 458.8625 MHz 856.2625 MHz ONLY in FAIRFIELD and NEW
LONDON counties.
To insure consistency through out the State, the standard Channel Identification
STOCS 1 - 5 is the only authorized identification for these channels.
The FCC License for all frequencies is held by the State of Connecticut Department of
Emergency Management and Homeland Security for Tactical Radio Interoperability by
Local, Fire, Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Service, Health Departments, Public
Works Departments and Emergency Management as well as appropriate State and
Federal Agencies.
These frequencies may be used only in Mobile/Portable Radios with a maximum output
power of 5-watts.
The power restriction is imperative, transmit powers over 5 watts will cause adjacent
channel interference on other STOCS Channels, as well as render the Cross Band
Repeater (CBR) inoperative.
It is the responsibility of the user to insure that equipment used on STOCS Channels
complies with the power restriction of 5 watts.
To insure compatibility and maximum flexibility all five STOCS Channels shall be
programmed into each portable radio.
The CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System) Tone of 156.7 (5A) will be used
in conjunction with these frequencies. Use of these frequencies with any other CTCSS
Tone is prohibited.
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