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What Is The Story With Channel 6?????

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Duplicate Account
May 28, 2015
Between 10 & 12 Meters
Today I broke down & bought the glitzy but bereft of SSB capability Cobra 29LX which my grandpa said he wouldn't throw through the front window of the local tax collector's office because real CB radios shouldn't look like boom boxes & worse it doesn't have SSB capability which if a man doesn't have SSB capability on his CB radio then well, I'll leave what else he said with him, no matter what he said he's still my grandpa & I get a pass since I'm no guy & I do have other SSB capable CB radios, I think my mom & dad may let me put it in our living room wall unit unlike the one my grandpa installed on our kitchen counter which really got my mom & dads goat & actually it's still there but behind a toaster oven which everybody finally agreed to, even grandpa.

Oh boy, I forgot to talk about the channel 6 craziness, sorry, the 29LX was the first CB radio that I ever really scanned the channels on & it locked up on channel 6 which even I know is nonstop chatter but I really tried to understand what those guys were saying & it seems all they do is call the same 5 guys constantly all day saying 12 gauge in Baltimore this is Hooter in Philly or some such stuff then bye bye bye yet 5 minutes later they are back saying the exact same stuff like they're reading from a script, I actually had enough time between errands & chores to really take this all in & it sounds like one big crazy tape loop, yada yada yada.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
... I haven't used cb in many years but I remember when the sun spots were right and there was good skip (signals bounce off the ionosphere then the ground then the ionosphere and so on) signals can go long distances on 11 meters... ch 6 was the distance channel... most of the guys used illegal modified radios that were more watts than allowed (more than 5) and many of them just had their own way of talking... it's not a channel you want to scan, as I said I haven't used cb in years, don't know what the sun spot conditions are... can anybody give Bay Bee a skip report?...


Feb 8, 2014
Surry County, North Carolina
strange sounds - data on CB?

I hear those guys too and it's nauseating at times, but what has me a bit perplexed is the data I am hearing on Ch. 7, splashing onto 8. I think it may be between channels (like a remote control or something), but I can hear a distant station answering back. It is a conversation for sure, but what mode are they running, and why?

The only reason I happened to find it was I got a 40 channel for free and repaired it, so it sits on the bench here to toy with once in a while. The antenna is just a 22ft piece of wire with the other half going straight to ground, so they must be pushing some decent power.

Seems to be at random times, so it's hit or miss. I am in NC on the SC border, about 30min West of I95.
Anybody else hear the data exchange going on? This is extremely odd.


Sep 30, 2006
Davenport,Fl.- home to me and the gators and the s
Welcome to the SUPERBOWL channel! lol

Channel 6, in some local areas is called that because the operators are using very high power amplifiers. Some reaching a kilowatt or more. And they really don't do too much of anything but call to their buddies in distant, or some times down the street, just to howler out.


Previously Banned Member
May 11, 2015
Channel 6 Superbowl Blowout & Strange Data Signals Betwixt Channels 7 & 8

Hey Damaris Broadcastify actually host a live stream of CB channel 6 from a New Jersey provider, as for the strange data transmissions between CB channel 7 (27.035 MHz) & channel 8 (27.055 MHz) more then likely it's legal or illegal operations on the FCC authorized RC red channel on 27.045 MHz for model airplanes, boats & cars 4 watts max (CFR 47:95.210) bye bye bye.
May 30, 2009
In a house along a busy road in Mercer County, Far
Skipland, skipland...

I'm a truck driver, my Conner Hp3400 is peaked and tuned and I don't run a kicker. My question about skip is.... you hear these guys yelling and using 3 and 4 digital numbers as a handle. Where do they makes these up at, is it maybe just there favorite number, maybe the digits off their house, month and day they got married? What's the story?


Feb 24, 2001
You need lots of power and Audio to chat with the channel 6 and channel 18 crews!
Otherwise they wont acknowledge you exist.And they are usually back quiet break break like 40 times a day. I used to try and talk to these guys and couldnt,until I got my Cobra 142GTL base and had it peaked and got a d-104 Power Microphone ,yeah this is a good thing to have if you want to say hi to the big boys.Antron 99 is a good antenna to start with!After I got the base station kicking,they actually said hi,of course you have to try and sound like them as a rule of thumb.Im a ham now,I havent been on CB since the late 80s.Ham is starting to sound like CB with the things that happen ,maybe I should get a new cb!


Apr 3, 2014
I'm a truck driver, my Conner Hp3400 is peaked and tuned and I don't run a kicker. My question about skip is.... you hear these guys yelling and using 3 and 4 digital numbers as a handle. Where do they makes these up at, is it maybe just there favorite number, maybe the digits off their house, month and day they got married? What's the story?
Some actually use their month and date of birth! 923 = Sept. 23rd.


Dec 12, 2009
They run more than 1kw, some up to 2 or 3kw. Mostly scatter boxes hearing 2 or 3 channels up/down if you live near them...FCC doesn't touch them either.

They get the numbers as one chap said zip codes or make them up birthday etc.



Feb 24, 2001
insane power!

I met one of the guys from "the superbowl" over in the dairy queen parking lot in New Jersey
he had a van with 5 alternators and was running more than 1KW out of his vehicle,i walked up to him to ask because I was wondering about those curly
big honkin CB antennas they use.My god,I thought,this guy must be unable to
shut the van off when he keys up!


Jul 7, 2015
I feel your pain, yall. At work we use 15, and there's been this Preacherman from the Bayou who WILL NOT SHUT UP! Says the same thing over and over, then bye bye bye, and then he comes back and does all again!

Wouldn't be that bad, but he talks over our guys with General Lees, Connexs, and Magnums. All that tx and nothing useful to say with it, such a shame.


Jul 27, 2015
Salyersville, KY
Channel 6 is nothing but overmodulated splatterboxes operated by people whose vocabulary doesn't seem to extend past, "I just got down" or "bye bye bye". Some of them bleed for 10 channels in either direction, making our local channel unusable until after the sun goes down. The sad thing is, as horrible as they make the 11 meter band, the FCC seems more interested in chasing down hams who forget to repeat their call sign every 10 minutes...

Channel 6 is the whole reason I started using 36 USB as my family channel (how me and the wife talk if one of us leaves the house), because at least there I can't hear them bleed, lol.


Apr 1, 2012
you could tell wich is the guy that runs the most power by how they talk. more brain cell are roasted
example, one guy actually does the verbal click sound with his mouth. comes from the old stile relay RX/TX off /on relay. another guy actually repeats himself 3x holds the mic for 3 minutes and says 4 words 3x over. another guy ghost talks all day long. another guy likes to key up on top of everybody to prove king of the hill status. one guy i personaly know has gone out his way to ilegaly make money hustling to support this hobby and the power status. is a crazy abuse of power thats been going on for decades and has been going uncheck by the FCC. is hard to serve a citation to these guys because they have no stable home they talk and live out of their cars so they are constantly moving around. if i ever get so involve in this hobby that i would have to live and behave this way please shoot me first.


Apr 27, 2015
Yeah channel 6 LSB is like the ghetto channel. At least on channel 38 LSB people maintain some degree of radio protocol.

The three digit numbers (call signs) you hear are completely made up and don't mean anything. You can use any combination of numbers you want. Some may use their birth month and year, others may use a combo of their favorite numbers. It's just a means of identification.

The people who talk on LSB are not all using extra power either. Some do and some don't. It's not a pre-requisite.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Apr 3, 2014
Yeah channel 6 LSB is like the ghetto channel. At least on channel 38 LSB people maintain some degree of radio protocol.

The three digit numbers (call signs) you hear are completely made up and don't mean anything. You can use any combination of numbers you want. Some may use their birth month and year, others may use a combo of their favorite numbers. It's just a means of identification.

The people who talk on LSB are not all using extra power either. Some do and some don't. It's not a pre-requisite.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I don't know about power, but they sure come in strong and have extremely loud and over modulated audio!!!


Aug 10, 2015
Ch 6 is 27.025 and is called the Super Bowl. Channel 6 is where some of the biggest stations run big watts. From a few hundred watts upto a hundred thousand. While it's true there is a lot of over modulated stations, there is some of the best high fidelity audio as well.

Because channel 6 takes so much power to be on it, guys tend to talk really fast and repeat them selves because they know there is always someone bigger with more power ready to key on them. Unless you have superb conditions or location, it's takes a lot of watts to be heard.


May 6, 2015
CB Radio

Hi, I am in Canada and recently bought the Uniden bearcat 880SSB. Seems like a good radio so far. I haven't heard many people. Years ago I remember channel six being loud and annoying too. I found operating on USB and LSB to be much better.


Jul 7, 2015
Channel 6 is still there, and still every bit as annoying.

One day last week, I flipped to 6 just to compare it to 15, our work channel. Never said a word. But for some reason half of those idiots jumped to 15 and went hog wild with it. Had most everyone in east TN drowned out! I tried to start a collection for gas/food money to give somebody to go to Shreveport, some Indiana cornfield, somewhere in Ohio(in the Buckeye), and somewhere in the Bayou, and just start sticking straight pins in coaxes.
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