OK guys, as a newbie here, I have a question about analyzers vs tuners. My understanding is, (and correct me if I'm wrong), a tuner can make a bad antenna (dipole) look good. Basically "tricking" the radio into thinking the antenna is OK. Whereas an analyzer will actually help you make a good antenna. A tuner stays connected to the antenna system while in use-the analyzer does not. So is it to my advantage to buy one over the other?
First, not sure why you said “a bad antenna (dipole) look good”. Nothing wrong with a dipole antenna, and they can look quite good, SWR wise, without a tuner.
Different tools for different tasks. One does not replace the other.
Yes, an analyzer will help you adjust the antenna to make an antenna “right”, or you can do the same thing with the meters on the tuner. The analyzer typically presents the data in a prettier, maybe easier to understand, fashion.
The tuner corrects a poorly tuned antenna, or at least corrects the response your transmitter sees.
So if I have an antenna, let’s say a half wave dipole, I can use an analyzer to adjust it for best SWR / interaction with my transmitter for a given frequency or frequency set / bandwidth. As long as I stay on that frequency, or within a certain bandwidth around that frequency, the SWR will be good, and my transmitter happy. But outside that limited bandwidth the SWR will be excessive and I would want a tuner to clean up operation.
A real world example here. You can put up a half wave antenna on 160 meters. You can use an analyzer to optimize it for 1925 kHz. At and around 1925 kHz no tuner is needed, the SWR is fine, and the transmitter happy. Depending on antenna design and build the 2:1 SWR might be as little as 100 kHz (this is just an example, specific antennas can be wider or narrower than that), meaning you can use that antenna from 1875 to 1975 kHz without a tuner. But the 160 meter ham band is 1800 to 2000 kHz in the US. To use the full band with that antenna you would want an antenna tuner.
An analyzer you use to set up an antenna, a tuner you use in day-to-day operations.
Can you operate without a tuner? Yes. Is it easier to operate with a tuner? Yes.