I have the Uniden BC-396XT hand held, 996XT base and SDS200 base scanners. All work great on everything Casper has. One exception is Law enforcement. Casper PD, Mills & Evansville PD & Natrona County SO are all encrypted. Wyoming Highway Patrol is not. My favorite unit is the hand held 396XT. The audio is very good even on Wyolink which is not known for good audio. I bought mine on eBay for $190 about a year ago. Of course, if you have the money go for the SDS100 or SDS200. Good luck!Hello i was wondering what scanner i would need to listen to police,ems,airport and anything around casper? thx
You are most welcome. Welcome to the Casper scanner club! Any questions, just post them here. I'll answer the best I can. You can't go wrong with a BC-396XT if you want a hand held. Or, the BC-996XT if you want a base unit. eBay is a good source. I don't recommend paying over $250 for either one. The best lower price new unit would be the Uniden BCD-325P2. However, they cost nearly $400. Check out what they are going for used on eBay.thanks for all the info and few questions. So the 996xt and bc796 and 2096 are base type stations and never thought much on getting one of those but kinding been thinking on that a little more and dont mind if there older style as long as they work for around here and then i can go from there and upgrade to better base or or handheld but just didnt know much about this stuff so figured id ask and only scanner i have is a uniden BC60XLT-1
Ill do some looking around and decide and thank again for the infoYou are most welcome. Welcome to the Casper scanner club! Any questions, just post them here. I'll answer the best I can. You can't go wrong with a BC-396XT if you want a hand held. Or, the BC-996XT if you want a base unit. eBay is a good source. I don't recommend paying over $250 for either one. The best lower price new unit would be the Uniden BCD-325P2. However, they cost nearly $400. Check out what they are going for used on eBay.
Software to program any of these scanners? I have used ProScan since 2005. One program for *all* the scanners. Register it and you get free updates for life. Cost me $50 back then. ProScan
Good Luck!
Kevin - KK7HGD
Uniden SDS200/996XT/996T/396XT scanners
Radio Shack Pro-36 hand held analog scanner
Icom IC-7610/R-75
Kenwood R5000/R2000
Grundig Satellit 800 Millenium
A whole lot of Shortwave portables, wooden radios and moreilldo
which radio shack ones do you have ? will those and the whisler pick up much around here?I've got a couple of older Radio Shack scanners that work well, and a Whistler TRX-2 that I could let go for pretty cheap if you're interested. I'm in Douglas, so a trip to Casper is no big deal if you want to check them out.
One cool thing about Casper is that units from all over the state pass through pretty frequently, and many of them drag radio traffic along with them. Also, you'll be able to monitor almost all WHP divisions from there.
Radio Shack Pro-197 and Pro-106. These two do great on P25 phase 1 and analog. I have the programming cable and software for them as well.
The TRX-2 is an excellent scanner that does all modes. P25 phase 1 & 2 and DMR. It will also record anything you want it to. It also comes with programming software. This one does better than all of my Unidens, and is on par with the Unication G2 & G5 pagers on P25.
Nothing wrong with them at all, but I'm just too involved with the Unidens, Unication, and SDR at the moment.
Edit: Forgot to mention that all three of them will pick up everything in Casper that isn't encrypted.
Everything in Campbell county is P25, so the answer is no.Will a uniden BCD260DN scanner work for Gillette, WY public safety scanning?