What's the best Win96 file for SFPD and Sheriff and where is the SFPD-SO Beat Map?

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Jan 19, 2008
Two questions,

Visiting Knob Hill and may be staying on Bryant Street.

Is there a Beat Map for SFPD somewhere so we can figure out the coverage for each SFPD and Sheriff TG?

If you were limited to only one rs pro-96 digital radio, what would be your best starsoft Win96 setup for SFPD city and county?

If you can share your SFPD Win96 file and setup, please post.

Unfortunately the radio shack pro-96 has limited storage space, so I can not include each and every TG in one bank for easy lock outs.

Banks 4 or 5 are left open to collect additional TG's as they pop up.

When we leave open a bank for catching new TG's, we also run out of the ability to lock out more TG's that we already have, especially when they keep popping up and blocking other traffic. Wish radio shack had given us more capacity, memory and lock outs.

I also hope to put in the SFO Police-TAC with surrounding county Mutual Aid channels and anything else of importance, under the empty space below one or more of the SFPD Trunked Control channel banks.

I may transfer the Analog channels and TG's to a Pro95, but this is how I've done it so far. Unfortunately my uploaded Win96 file for this thread failed a few times, so here's a copy and paste version to give you an idea:

Doubt I'll hear anything interesting in Banks 0, 1 and 2, as they're probably my favorites and encrypted,

Bank 0 Investigation Closed bank

sub bank 1

INV 1 14544
SID 2 00208

Bank 1 Narc Vice Closed

sub bank 1

NARC 1 ADMN 14288
NARC 2 00080
NARC 3 00112
NARC 4 00144
NARC 5 00176
VICE 1 00240
11 17552

Bank 2 TAC SWAT Closed

sub bank 1

TAC 7 00016
TAC 8 00048
PD A9 13104
PD A10 13136
PD A12 13200
PAROLE 13296
TAC 1 13808
TAC 2 13840
TAC 3 13872
TAC 4 13904
TAC 5 13936
TAC 6 13968
TAC 7 14000
TAC 8 14032
TAC 10 14096
TAC 11 MUNI 14128
TAC 12 14160
TAC 13 14192
TAC 14 EVENT 14224
TAC 15 14256
11 17552

Bank 3 Police Closed

sub bank 1

TAC 7 00016
TAC 8 00048
NARC 2 00080 L
NARC 3 00112 L
NARC 4 00144 L
NARC 5 00176 L
SID 2 00208 L
VICE 1 00240 L
PD A1 12848
PD A2 12880
PD A3 12912
PD A4 12944
PD A5 12976
PD A6 13008
PD A7 13040
PD A8 13072
PD A9 13104
PD A10 13136
PD A11 13168
PD A12 13200
PD A13 13232
PD A14 13264
PAROLE 13296
11 17552

sub bank 2

TAC 1 13808
TAC 2 13840
TAC 3 13872
TAC 4 13904
TAC 5 13936
TAC 6 13968
TAC 7 14000
TAC 8 14032
TAC 10 14096
TAC 11 MUNI 14128
TAC 12 14160
TAC 13 14192
TAC 14 EVENT 14224
TAC 15 14256
NARC 1 ADMN 14288 L
INV 1 14544 L
SID 1 14576 L
TRAIN 1 14704 L
TRAIN 2 14736 L

sub bank 3

SFSU 1 17840
SFSU 2 17872
SFSU 3 17904
UCSF 1 18032
UCSF 2 18064
UCSF 3 18096

sub bank 4


sub bank 5

SCOFFparking 16656
TOW 16688

Bank 4 SF Open

FD-B8 01008
FD A1 CONT 1 14800 L
FD A2 CONT 2 14832 L
FD A3 CONT 3 14864 L
FD A4 CONT 4 14896
FD A5 CONT 5 14928
FD A6 CONT 6 14960
FD A7 BN 7 14992
FD A8 BN 8 15024
FD A9 BN 9 15056
FD A10 BN10 15088
FD A11 BN 1 15120
FD A12 BN 2 15152
FD A13 BN 3 15184
FD A14 BN 4 15216
FD A15 BN 5 15248
FD A16 BN 6 15280
FD B8 PREVEN 15440
FD B9 AUXWAT 15472
FD B10 EQUIP 15760
FD B12 TRANG 15792
FD EMS1 00944
FD EMS2 00976
FD EMS3 15312
FD EMS4 15344
EVENT 1 13520
EVENT 2 13552
SAFEVT 1 13584
SAFEVT 2 13616
SAFEVT 3 13648

TAC 1 13808
TAC 2 13840
TAC 3 13872
TAC 4 13904
TAC 5 13936
TAC 6 13968
TAC 7 14000
TAC 8 14032
TAC 10 14096
TAC 11 MUNI 14128 L
TAC 12 14160
TAC 13 14192
TAC 14 EVENT 14224 L
TAC 15 14256
NARC 1 ADMN 14288
INV 1 14544
SID 1 14576
TRAIN 1 14704
TRAIN 2 14736

SO A1 JAIL1 15856 L
SO A2 JAIL2 15888 L
SO A3 JAIL3 15920
SO A4 JAIL7 15952 L
SO A5 JAIL8 15984 L
SO A6 JAIL9 16016 L
SO A7 JAIL10 16048
A8 CITY HALL 16080
A9 911CENTER 16112
A10 HOJCOURT 16144
A11 SWAP TRA 16176 L
SO A12 16208
A15 CIVILESU 16240
A16 EVICTION 16272 L
49104 49104
49328 49328
50032 50032
PUBWK 65328 65328 L
ANMLCNT25648 25648 L
PUBWK 65200 65200 L
PUBWK 65360 65360 L
SCLPWK 25136 25136 L
PUBWK 65232 65232 L
OES1 17424
OES2 17456

MAP 13680 L
DPT A1 16464 L
DPT A2 16496
DPT A3 16528
DPT A4 16560
DPT A5 16592 L
DPT A6 16624 L
SCOFFparking 16656 L
TOW 16688 L
WATER 1 16816 L
WATER 2 16848
REC A1 16912
REC A2 16944
REC A3 16976
REC A4 17008
REC A5 17040
RADIO A1 17648
RADIO A2 17680
RADIO A3 17712 L
RADIO A4 17744
RADEMG 17776
MYTALK 18544
SFSU 1 17840
SFSU 2 17872 L
SFSU 3 17904
UCSF 1 18032 L
UCSF 2 18064
UCSF 3 18096 L

FD-B8 01008
FD A1 CONT 1 14800 L
FD A2 CONT 2 14832 L
FD A3 CONT 3 14864 L
FD A4 CONT 4 14896
FD A5 CONT 5 14928
FD A6 CONT 6 14960
FD A7 BN 7 14992
FD A8 BN 8 15024
FD A9 BN 9 15056
FD A10 BN10 15088
FD A11 BN 1 15120
FD A12 BN 2 15152
FD A13 BN 3 15184
FD A14 BN 4 15216
FD A15 BN 5 15248
FD A16 BN 6 15280
FD B8 PREVEN 15440
FD B9 AUXWAT 15472
FD B10 EQUIP 15760
FD B12 TRANG 15792
FD EMS1 00944
FD EMS2 00976
FD EMS3 15312
FD EMS4 15344
EVENT 1 13520
EVENT 2 13552
SAFEVT 1 13584
SAFEVT 2 13616
SAFEVT 3 13648

Due to space limitations, I cannot post the rest Banks 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.


Database Admin
Nov 25, 2003
SFO Bay Area and Las Vegas NV
Sheriff only handles jails and transport.

Rarely they will use them for a street demonstration, but there is no Sheriff
beat map that I am aware of.

Try here:

SF TRS doesn't use much digital. Just the medical channels (encrypted) and
some special ops channels (also encrypted). Everything else is analog
and will work in a Pro95.

Listening to the meter maids and animal control will drive you insane :D

SFO is in San Mateo County, and is on an analog 800mhz system and is very
local coverage to just the airport and surrounding area.

San Mateo County (surrounding county south) is P25 480mhz digital system, but the mutual aid tacs are analog.

Marin County (MERA) is P25 digital 480mhz system to the north.

Oakland's 800mhz EDACS system is a good listen (across the bay) and is high volume.
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2008
trooperdude: Thanks for the info.

Part 2 of my Starsoft Win96 file for SF below, if anyone can add anything to it, has a better workable lay out with alpha tags, or recommended listening TG's, please post.

Particularly info on the short list of Unknown TG's mostly in Bank 9 that still need to be identified. This is over a year old and I'm sure there are now many more Unknown TG's than those few I have listed.

SF Bank 5 Open

sub bank 0

TAC 7 00016 L
TAC 8 00048 L
NARC 2 00080 L
NARC 3 00112 L
NARC 4 00144 L
NARC 5 00176 L
SID 2 00208 L
VICE 1 00240 L
PD A1 12848 L
PD A2 12880 L
PD A3 12912 L
PD A4 12944 L
PD A5 12976 L
PD A6 13008 L
PD A7 13040 L
PD A8 13072 L
PD A9 13104 L
PD A10 13136 L
PD A11 13168 L
PD A12 13200
PD A13 13232 L
PD A14 13264 L
PAROLE 13296
11 17552

sub bank 1

TAC 1 13808 L
TAC 2 13840 L
TAC 3 13872 L
TAC 4 13904 L
TAC 5 13936 L
TAC 6 13968 L
TAC 7 14000 L
TAC 8 14032 L
TAC 10 14096 L
TAC 11 MUNI 14128 L
TAC 12 14160 L
TAC 13 14192 L
TAC 14 EVENT 14224 L
TAC 15 14256 L
NARC 1 ADMN 14288 L
INV 1 14544 L
SID 1 14576 L
TRAIN 1 14704 L
TRAIN 2 14736 L

sub bank 2

SO A1 JAIL1 15856 L
SO A2 JAIL2 15888 L
SO A3 JAIL3 15920 L
SO A4 JAIL7 15952 L
SO A5 JAIL8 15984 L
SO A6 JAIL9 16016 L
SO A7 JAIL10 16048 L
A8 CITY HALL 16080 L
A9 911CENTER 16112 L
A10 HOJCOURT 16144 L
A11 SWAP TRA 16176 L
SO A12 16208 L
A15 CIVILESU 16240 L
A16 EVICTION 16272 L
PUBWK 65328 65328
ANMLCNT25648 25648 L
PUBWK 65200 65200
PUBWK 65360 65360
SCLPWK 25136 25136
PUBWK 65232 65232
OES1 17424
OES2 17456

sub bank 3

MAP 13680 L
DPT A1 16464 L
DPT A2 16496 L
DPT A3 16528 L
DPT A4 16560 L
DPT A5 16592 L
DPT A6 16624 L
SCOFFparking 16656 L
TOW 16688 L
WATER 1 16816 L
WATER 2 16848 L
REC A1 16912 L
REC A2 16944 L
REC A3 16976 L
REC A4 17008 L
REC A5 17040 L
RADIO A1 17648 L
RADIO A2 17680 L
RADIO A3 17712 L
RADIO A4 17744 L
RADEMG 17776 L
MYTALK 18544
SFSU 1 17840 L
SFSU 2 17872 L
SFSU 3 17904 L
UCSF 1 18032 L
UCSF 2 18064 L
UCSF 3 18096 L

sub bank 4

FD-B8 01008 L
FD A1 CONT 1 14800 L
FD A2 CONT 2 14832 L
FD A3 CONT 3 14864 L
FD A4 CONT 4 14896 L
FD A5 CONT 5 14928 L
FD A6 CONT 6 14960 L
FD A7 BN 7 14992 L
FD A8 BN 8 15024 L
FD A9 BN 9 15056 L
FD A10 BN10 15088 L
FD A11 BN 1 15120 L
FD A12 BN 2 15152 L
FD A13 BN 3 15184 L
FD A14 BN 4 15216 L
FD A15 BN 5 15248 L
FD A16 BN 6 15280 L
FD B8 PREVEN 15440 L
FD B9 AUXWAT 15472 L
FD B10 EQUIP 15760 L
FD B12 TRANG 15792 L
FD EMS1 00944 L
FD EMS2 00976 L
FD EMS3 15312 L
FD EMS4 15344 L
EVENT 1 13520
EVENT 2 13552
SAFEVT 1 13584
SAFEVT 2 13616
SAFEVT 3 13648

Sheriff Bank 6 Closed

sub bank 0

SO A1 JAIL1 15856 L
SO A2 JAIL2 15888 L
SO A3 JAIL3 15920 L
SO A4 JAIL7 15952 L
SO A5 JAIL8 15984 L
SO A6 JAIL9 16016 L
SO A7 JAIL10 16048 L
A8 CITY HALL 16080
A9 911CENTER 16112
A10 HOJCOURT 16144 L
A11 SWAP TRA 16176 L
SO A12 16208
A15 CIVILESU 16240
A16 EVICTION 16272

Sheriff Jail Bank 7 Closed

SO A1 JAIL1 15856
SO A2 JAIL2 15888
SO A3 JAIL3 15920
SO A4 JAIL7 15952
SO A5 JAIL8 15984
SO A6 JAIL9 16016
SO A7 JAIL10 16048
A8 CITY HALL 16080
A9 911CENTER 16112
A10 HOJCOURT 16144
A11 SWAP TRA 16176
SO A12 16208
A15 CIVILESU 16240
A16 EVICTION 16272

Fire Ems Bank 8 Closed

sub bank 0


sub bank 1

FD-B8 01008
FD A1 CONT 1 14800
FD A2 CONT 2 14832
FD A3 CONT 3 14864
FD A4 CONT 4 14896
FD A5 CONT 5 14928
FD A6 CONT 6 14960
FD A7 BN 7 14992
FD A8 BN 8 15024
FD A9 BN 9 15056
FD A10 BN10 15088
FD A11 BN 1 15120
FD A12 BN 2 15152
FD A13 BN 3 15184
FD A14 BN 4 15216
FD A15 BN 5 15248
FD A16 BN 6 15280
FD B8 PREVEN 15440
FD B9 AUXWAT 15472
FD B10 EQUIP 15760
FD B12 TRANG 15792
FD EMS1 00944
FD EMS2 00976
FD EMS3 15312
FD EMS4 15344

sub bank 2

OES1 17424
OES2 17456

sub bank 3


SF Unknown Bank 9 Closed

sub bank 0

432 00432
624 00624
3472 03472
8144 08144
9104 09104
9616 09616
9872 09872
10640 10640
12080 12080
12176 12176
12400 12400
12592 12592
15600 15600
17264 17264
17936 17936
COLGUNV18608 18608
PW WorkOrder 25200
PW Electric 25232
32528 32528
36752 36752
PW Restrooms 48400
49072 49072
50000 50000
57232 57232
61808 61808
PUC SewerOps 64880
PW Plumbers 64912
PW Streets 64976
65104 65104
65296 65296

sub bank 1

400 00400
800 00800
1136 01136
3376 03376
3984 03984
4400 04400
4688 04688
04996 04996
5744 05744
08656 08656
8944 08944
09168 09168
09360 09360
09424 09424
9552 09552
09680 09680
09808 09808
9840 09840
11184 11184
11664 11664
11920 11920
12336 12336
12560 12560
12816 12816
13712 13712
14448 14448
14608 14608
16336 16336
16400 16400
17360 17360

sub bank 2

13392 13392
13776 13776
15824 15824
16752 16752
17104 17104
17168 17168
11 17552 17552
17616 17616
17808 17808
17968 17968
18000 18000
18128 18128
18192 18192
18224 18224
18704 18704
19056 19056
19504 19504
20080 20080
20144 20144
22064 22064
22416 22416
23440 23440
26576 26576
30288 30288
30960 30960
36784 36784
50096 50096
59644 59644
59792 59792
59920 59920

sub bank 3

PW CH3 Heat 25168
Vet Hosp Sec 49104
49328 49328
50032 50032
PW Streets 64944
65040 65040
MED 65136 65136


Dec 19, 2002
Kern County, CA
One quick note the ATT key will be your friend in The City. I don't know what has gone on there since last football season but even with the ATT on on my PSR-500 it is way overloaded the 96/2096 are not as bad. I am even haveing to use the ATT on the 246 out at Candelstick Park.


Jun 11, 2007
SFSO doesn't do any patrol, so listening to them would be boring.

Staying downtown on a weekend, I'd pay attention to PD-A1, PD-A2, both cover the Southern, Central and Tenderloin Districts--which cover Downtown, South Of Market and The Tenderloin is the most crime ridden area of SF. Also PD-A11 is used on Fri and Sat for the Broadway Command Detail (Broadway is the party street in the Central Police District).


California DB Admin
Database Admin
Oct 31, 2004
San Diego, CA
There are some pretty good lists of the unit ID structure for SFPD here:


Quick question about SFPD though. If we heard a unit "3 Adam 2," according to the above pages the first digit is the unit, the second is the station and the third and fourth digits are the function of the unit depending on a range of numbers (or possibly the beat). So this officer would be in the Field Operations Unit (3), Central Station (A), would be a basic patrol unit (between 1-29) and possibly on beat 2. Looking at the district map for the central district 3A2 is marked:


My question is, I've also heard IDs like "3 Adam 2 Boy," and I've never seen an explanation for the extra letter at the end anywhere. My best guess would be that if they put more than one patrol unit in the same beat, they just tag on an extra letter to the end of the unit ID. I was just wondering if anyone in SF knew the definitive answer to this.

Thanks. :)



Jun 11, 2007
There are some pretty good lists of the unit ID structure for SFPD here:


Quick question about SFPD though. If we heard a unit "3 Adam 2," according to the above pages the first digit is the unit, the second is the station and the third and fourth digits are the function of the unit depending on a range of numbers (or possibly the beat). So this officer would be in the Field Operations Unit (3), Central Station (A), would be a basic patrol unit (between 1-29) and possibly on beat 2. Looking at the district map for the central district 3A2 is marked:


My question is, I've also heard IDs like "3 Adam 2 Boy," and I've never seen an explanation for the extra letter at the end anywhere. My best guess would be that if they put more than one patrol unit in the same beat, they just tag on an extra letter to the end of the unit ID. I was just wondering if anyone in SF knew the definitive answer to this.

Thanks. :)


Here's the breakdown:

First letter=Bureau (i.e. 3 for patrol, 2 for admin, etc)
Second letter=Station
Third number = the car sector or squad/platoon depending on the Bureau. For patrol, 1-9 equals a one person car, anything in the teens is a two person patrol car.
Fourth letter = the shift worked, A, B C or D. Some stations will have units use a callsign without a shift designator. Also, Tactical and Investigations won't use a shift designator in their callsigns.

So, 3A2B would be a Central district uniformed patrol working the 2-sector on the B shift (0800-1800).

The shifts are all standardized, however, some specialized units use the last letter as a personnel designator, and not the shift being worked.
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