Should be:
8.33 kHz for the civil (118 - 138 MHz) range
25 kHz for the military (200 - 380 MHz) range
That is channel spacing and I do not believe that is what the op is asking for. I believe he is playing with the Sdr# settings to obtain better audio.
" The
audio quality in the airband is limited by the
RF bandwidth used. In the newer channel spacing scheme, the largest bandwidth of an airband channel is limited to 8.33 kHz, so the highest possible
audio frequency is 4.166 kHz.
[16] In the 25 kHz channel spacing scheme, an upper audio frequency of 12.5 kHz would be theoretically possible.
[16] However, most airband voice transmissions never actually reach these limits. Usually, the whole transmission is contained within a 6 kHz to 8 kHz bandwidth, corresponding to an upper audio frequency of 3 kHz to 4 kHz.
[16] This frequency, while low compared to the top of the human hearing range, is sufficient to convey
speech. Different aircraft, control towers and other users transmit with different bandwidths and audio characteristics. "
@Homeboys-Scanna I have found (for me anyway) that setting it between 6000 and 10,000 gives me the better audio. Anything under 6 is very tinny and over 10000 adds more hiss. I have somewhere more in-depth settings from other areas that cleaned the signal up.