Where do I start?

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Aug 23, 2004
San Diego, CA
Hello, I just bought a Pro-94 to get into the world of scanning and don't know where to start. I have read the manual cover to cover and have experimented with regular scanning and trunking. I managed to be able to find some information out but a lot of it is greek to me.

I am currently reading all the forums here and picking up a lot of good information but I was hoping that someone could recommend a good book for beginners or some place where I can find the information I am looking for to help me out.

I am interested in being able to set my unit up to listen to:

Ventura Fire/EMS/Sheriff
CHP Southern Cal
San Diego RCS

I am an electronics technician in the US Navy and have a great understanding of Communications in general but am really confused in getting my unit set up.

I bought the 94 as it didn't have all the bells and whistles as some of the other higher end units as I wanted to learn to program not just use a computer program to upload the information.

I will eventually go digital as San Diego will be going all digital in the future.

I looked for a FAQ here but didn't seem to find one.

If someone could just point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.



Aug 23, 2004
San Diego, CA
Well since nobody has even bothered to reply I will.

I looked here and at Freqofnature.com and found all I need.

I got Ventura all dialed in as they are mostly Standard (non-trunked) freq's and have been picking up some pretty interesting stuff.

And then I got San Diego RCS and the standard MOT II dialed in and the Talk Groups added and have been getting those figured out.

I was a little dissapointed that no one here even botherd to point me in the right direction but that is fine. Sometimes the best way to learn is just to do it.



Jun 7, 2004
Sacramento/Bay Area, CA
I live in Northern CA, so can't pick up any San Diego stuff. Also don't have a RS Pro-94, but everyone keeps saying to download the Winscan software from http://www.starrsoft.com. Supposed to make it much easier to program the RS scanners. You will need a cable to connect it to your computer. Might want to look at that.

Don't know why no one replied.

*EDIT* D'OH...I guess the Pro-94 isn't supported by the software. At least I don't see it listed. Sorry bout that.


Jan 29, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Just an FYI, The newest version of of the pro94 does hve a PC interface, but no software program is available as of yet. rplusplus, see if you have the "C" model, this is the one that supposedly has the interface.

rplusplus, unfortunately, every now and then a post gets scimmed over, or no one knows the answer. In this case I think your original post was a bit to broad, and didn't ask anything specific. It's kinda hard to help someone, if you don't know exactly what they're having trouble with. In any event, I'm glad you are getting things all worked out. My first scanner was also a pro94, and I remember how overwhelming things where at first. A good book I recommend is Police Call. You can pick up a copy fromwww.scannermaster.com. Good luck :)


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego, CA
rplusplus said:
I was a little dissapointed that no one here even botherd to point me in the right direction but that is fine. Sometimes the best way to learn is just to do it.


Had I not been out of town this past week I would have gotten back to you. All the info you need can be found on my website.



Aug 23, 2004
San Diego, CA
Thanks all. I thought it was my deoderant!

Actaully all I needed was a point in the right direction. I use a vbulletin board for some of my other interests and usually there is a FAQ where the new guy is pointed to to get started. I finally was able to find enough information to get started and then just plugging around I started to get it.

Yea I have an A model so no PC interface. I think in time I'll get one of the new Digital ones with Alpha Tags and PC interface but for now I want to start as basic as possible as that is how I learn the best. I'm used to radios as I fix them for a living I just never have been into scanning until I thought about it last year after the Cedar Fire in Alpine. Not knowing what was going on was a little unnerving so I looked into scanning.

Thanks JoeyC I'll be looking at your site too as it may have just what I need.

Again thanks to all

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