Basically, how would I be able to program one of these radios? If I buy one-off eBay I am not familiar with these radios and never bothered with them. And was thinking about buying one of those but where would I be able to program it? And does the software cost money this is coming from using a police scanner. And a unication G4 pager, which seems to be plug and play.
There's a lot you'd need to know before buying one of these:
They are single band, as I'm sure you know. What you buy is what you get. You can't change the bands on these.
Flashcodes are a thing. Getting one with a stripped down flashcode will keep you from utilizing a lot of the features.
Programming software is free.
Programming cables are not.
The software is nothing like programming a scanner and has a steep learning curve.
NAS is dangerous if not done right. FCC has busted people for this.
Most of these radios are old enough to drink in all 50 states and have lived a hard life. Getting a good one is possible, but most have been beat within an inch of their life.
Any radio you buy will likely need a new battery, don't trust used batteries.
Replace the antenna, they get a lot of abuse.
Software for XTS3000 is different that the Astro25 portable.
Might need a trip to Mr. Service Monitor for an alignment.
Others will steer you to a Unication for good reasons. Don't discount what they are saying.
On the other hand, if you just need it for conventional (non-trunked) scanning, they do OK. The scan capabilities on these LMR radios isn't anything like what a scanner has. They tend to scan slowly and be limited to a handful of channels at a time.
If you get a good one, the receivers can be much better than a consumer scanner.