125AT is not digital, cant get the 800 MHz frequencies and not a trunktracker IV or V scanner. Hopefully you just got it and able to return it.
Ive had a couple people here get these for Christmas and asked me about them and mentioned to return them as well.
Uniden model’s that are digital, prices lowest to highest:
996P2, 325P2, 436HP, Home Patrol2, 536HP, SDS 100, SDS 200.
The SDS models are expensive, but work flawlessly in counties as Wayne with multiple towers, called simulcast which can be an issue for reception on the non SDS' scanners depending on your location. Hopefully if your closer to one of the towers will be better.
Locations - Click the three FCC license links next to "FCC Licenses"
Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS) Site: Wayne County Simulcast
Current ones that won’t work, since they are not digital or a trunktracker-
365CRS, 355-all 355 model types, 125AT, BCT15X, BC75XLT, WS1010 and WS1025, All Baofeng’s
Go here
https://www.radioreference.com/db/sid/100 then in your browser on computer, do a Find with CTRL-F and type in Livonia or go about 90% of the way down for Livonia listing. Wayne county starts ~80% of the way down.
Under MODE if it’s D or T it’s in the clear, De or Te sometimes clear, sometimes encrypted, DE or TE is always encrypted.