It's probably a problem with the codeplug, the current programming it is loading. It happens a lot if you try and program the SD card in the scanner.
I don't know if it normally will delete the CDAT files when uninstalling, maybe if you use an uninstaller like the free IOBits Uninstall. Otherwise it just keeps reusing that corrupt file with each reinstall of the program.
It's a bit tricky to find out which system is causing the error. Go to your Documents and the TRX-2 folder. There you have the CDAT folder with the configs it's currently using. You could rename the PL and TS files one at a time to something like old_PLxxxx and old_TSxxxx and only the ones that doesn't have 0kb size until it starts without an error. There are 4 TS files with the same number and you have to rename all four in one go. Make a note of the name of that file you last renamed and you can rename everything else back to their original name and the program should start up. The TS files are your trunked system and the numbers are in hex. 1F means 31 and are the system you need to enter again. PL are the scanlists number.
An easier way are to delete everything in the CDAT folder and then read the scanner to get your configuration back.