Urban legend or not...
Many years ago, an OHP friend of mine said they had "specially marked" trooper cars. These cars would be brown, white, or any color of the rainbow, but they had the Oklahoma Highway Patrol emblem on the side, more antennas than even most ham vehicles, rear deck lights, a decal across the trunk lid that said STATE TROOPER, so they were just like any other OHP unit except they weren't black and white. The story goes, an influential legislator flew by one of these cars on the interstate - a car whith 8 antennas whipping in the wind, an OHP decal on the side, rear deck lights, and a guy IN UNIFORM driving it. So, the legislator gets stopped, and then later introduces a bill that the OHP could only have Black and whites, because the "Specially marked units" were not easily recognizable as a Highway Patrol car! LOL!