I bought my first one new, modified it for computer control à la Bill Cheek style, then later added extended memory in the same fashion.
Bought the second one used and already modified with extended memory and a few extras.
Even though I have a Pro-2096 and two Pro-197s, I still have both 2006s running every time I'm home because there's tons of stuff on the airwaves not digital and/or trunked.
This leaves the digital scanners dedicated to the ALMR system and any other P25 communications that may occur, as well as some extra analog activity.
Although I'm not in a large metropolitan area, even in a city/borough of 30,000+ one can receive plenty of chatter: marine band, CB, FRS, GMRS, dog catcher, cruise ships, tour guides, businesses, aircraft, etc.
Add up all the things to listen to coupled with your imagination and you've quite the entertainment scenario!