Well, I caught the listening bug when I was about 11 yo, I had a great aunt who bought herself a scanner radio( the kind where you had to have crystals for each entity you wanted to monitor) and she gave me her old portable scanner for Xmas. Man, that thing was FUN to listen to, I probably annoyed the heck out of my folks because I sometimes kept it on all night. Somewhere down the line I quit listening and started focusing in my teen years on just music radio. I have been an EMS professional for awhile, I'm now a nurse who is a disaster response volunteer and a Skywarn spotter. About a year ago I decided to try scanners again after so many years away from it, I needed a new hobby, so I drifted back to radios, went down to RS and bought me a cheap little handheld. Amazingly, I found I really STILL enjoyed listening to it, am trying to save up the money for a digital radio but am for the time being having enough fun with the analog scanner and I had a member here sell me a pro97 scanner cheap so I am learning about trunking in the meantime. Will probably get my ham ticket in the future because it just opens up more avenues in the hobby. I just enjoy the heck out of knowing what is going on in my community, as a local response volunteer it doesn't hurt to know if there's something major brewing. I have no intention of racing out to "help" unless I' m called on, but frankly too many people are so oblivious about their surroundings.