I know that this thread will probably cause fights and be shut down, but that's not my intention... How come, in the US, public safety has for the most part ignored DMR tier II/III and instead gone to P25 phase 2? The spectral efficiency is the same, the audio quality is the same (as far as I know), and both have voice and data modes. Is it because of hardware encryption? I am guessing not, since when P25 was first pushed, people did not care as much. Or is it just because the push for P25 happened before DMR? If DMR radios were made to the same standards as public safety would this still be the case? Is it because of sales reps convincing subscribers that for whatever reason public safety tech and commercial tech need to be totally different? Is it just because P25 was more of a US project and DMR was more European? As someone who does not know a ton, right now it seems to me like public safety could use DMR tier-3 systems with IP multi-site link instead of P25 phase II without real tradeoffs, and the equipment would be cheaper, however I feel if this were true it would be talked about more. To keep this on topic I'd like to stick to P25 phase II vs DMR tier II/III, no TETRA or dPMR. I just want some knowledge and maybe background info. Thank you