I have been using CATV splitters for years with very good results. Fortunately, I have never been in a situation where I needed an amplifier, it's usually been the other way for me - too much signal. I put an FM trap before everything on my main feed lines, then divide it afterward. Two scanners on a Yagi, and four on a discone, all divided with 2 CATV splitters (one two and one four-port) with no noticeable loss and full quieting for the most part. My coax is under 50 ft runs. One of the four- way outputs I trade off to the TRX-1 sometimes, and I heard the Hamilton County TRS the other night, almost 40 miles away. Very satisfied with my setup using the CATV accessories.
I had an electronic engineer tell me one time that as long as the equipment is rated for the frequency range you desire, and there is isolation between ports and no reverse of signal, a $10 splitter is just as good as some of the 'high end' splitters sold by radio equipment retailers for $50-75. Just his opinion, mind you, but after years of satisfied service with these accessories I tend to agree.
I know this is an older thread, but I was searching for comments on a Channel Master CM3414 that I found in my junk box I didn't even knew that I had, and ran across this old discussion and had to throw in my 2 cents.