los rios sounds awesome (except for dispatch, they seem to be in a very echoey room, which would mess with the sound if it was analog).
i listen all the time.
srrcs needs to fix several issues before they go 100% digital- the biggest one being the deadspots. there are several areas *cough*carmichael*cough*orangevale*cough*north highlands* that have pretty significant dead spots (at least, that i've experianced with my 396 and a mobile antenna... results may vary with motorola units), some of them happen to be in somewhat elevated crime areas.
consider that it took a long time to go from separate trunked systems ( one for city, one for county) to one system, SRRCS. I expect it to take another several years before we start seeing Digital as the predominate mode on the system. At the very least, SSD probably won't go 100% digital until they move to their new comm center, at least thats my understanding.
by the way, speaking of ssd, sounds like HIDTA operations are going on, heard some today, on two separate drug channels on the system.