Was listening to Williamson County SO a few minutes ago and they got alerted to a possible break-in, so dispatch told routine traffic to switch to WOPS 3. Question is; is that 453.6625 which is listed as ch 11, what is WOPS 1 and 2? There is nothing on the database labeled WOPS anything.
Also the other night they were responding hot again on primary 460.500, then dispatch said 813 was on secen and dispatch indicated he sounded stressed over the radio, so what is this other frequency? It wasn't 453.6625 since I heard nothing on it. I know Fairview are 800 units, but it wasn't them since I was listening to them as well.
Also the other night they were responding hot again on primary 460.500, then dispatch said 813 was on secen and dispatch indicated he sounded stressed over the radio, so what is this other frequency? It wasn't 453.6625 since I heard nothing on it. I know Fairview are 800 units, but it wasn't them since I was listening to them as well.