Anyone on this group using Win500 to program their scanner?
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Nice Ebay bid. You must have RS cable 20-047 to work with these scanners.I already have a programming cable that I use on my Pro-97 analog scanner. I can import those frequencies to the Pro-197 with Win500 so that will take care of those.
Assign a Wildcard under Group or Radio ID column and note under Type, is a pulldown if you click in Group. Leave as Group but you may want to assign a second Wildcard on next line and change it from Group to Private.My Pro-97 allowed me to open a bank and scan all talkgroups. How do you do that with the digital scanners?
Assign a Wildcard under Group or Radio ID column and note under Type, is a pulldown if you click in Group. Leave as Group but you may want to assign a second Wildcard on next line and change it from Group to Private.
Nice Ebay bid. You must have RS cable 20-047 to work with these scanners.
Assign a Wildcard under Group or Radio ID column and note under Type, is a pulldown if you click in Group. Leave as Group but you may want to assign a second Wildcard on next line and change it from Group to Private.
If you've stored it (F3 STOR), Lock out is not required on the newly found ID. The TG will list as text tag*ID xxxxx on line 3 if hit on again until you either change the tag in scanner or make change in Win500 and send to scanner. In the mean time, the wild card continues to look for more non stored TGRP's. Remember also, pressing only Lout on these scanners is temporary. Next turn on unlocks TG's or conventional frequencies. I think FUNC Lout is permanent until changed internally or via software.Now, am I correct that I can list and lock out a talkgroup and the wildcard will not show it when it is active becasue it is locked out?
It should only show unlocked and new TGRP numbers that are NOT listed?
This is gonna be fun!
Also, can I create a single wild card in TGRP's and make it available in all the lists, regardless of the system, Motorola, P25 and EDACS?
How's it going with the new toy? Did my file help ya out or confuse the hell out of ya?
Ummm.....Sorry to change the subect BUT I have to ask, HOW was there a fire in the dispatch center!?