melb said:
Has anyone else noticed how quiet the WSP frequencies have become since they started using the new ticket writing system a few weeks ago?
It's not so much the new electronic tickets, which is not being used statewide yet, as it is the switch over to a new CAD system. Yes, it's 2005 and WSP is just now getting a statewide CAD system. The old DOS-based logging program has outlived it's usefulnes and is gone. There is a high speed IP-based data system for mobile users, and the intergration into the dispatch center CAD system allows for a lot of daily job functions to be done via computer and not voice.
The radio traffic is slowly diminishing as the field becomes more comfortable with CAD and starts using the in-car MDC for more and more things. There won't be much to hear on the radio anymore, other than some higher risk traffic stops, OWI/driving complaints, pursuits and other "priority" calls. Most other messaging and administrative stuff will be handled via computer.
There has been a connectivity issue that the CAD vendor is working on, and total resloution should be coming shortly. When that occurs, you'll stop hearing "I'm not able to connect to..."