Does anyone have the frequencies of work trains that replace rails and fixes train lines, planeing, xraying, ect. R J Corman is a big company that is a construction outfit for railroad work. Do they use itinerent frequencies?
I have all of them programmed in. Since most rail construction equipment isn't owned by CSX or other RRD's, they must use either their own frequency or an itinerant frequency. One time SRS ( Sperrry Rail Service) was in the area, i found them talking on 151.505Mhz.
for those who might wonder what i sent.
i started to send a list of the companies frequencies and ran out of room.
so i gave him the FCC geographical web page and he will have to look it up himself.
in BNSF and UP areas, MOW vendors and corporate owned will use road channels for access/talking to dispatch, and local yard channels as a simplex crew channel, even if they arent anywhere near a yard. i know UP does that just so they stay on common channels, i assume BNSF does too.