Worldwide Utility News is shutting down 4/15

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
From the WUN president, Ary Boender...
In January 1995, we formed a new, internet based, utility listeners
club; WUN (Worldwide Utility News club). This was not just another
internet list but a real club. Since the beginning we have counted
on a great many people to provide the newsletter, website and maintain
the mailing list and perform other club duties behind the scenes.
Basically, the same people have been involved since we started.

We have recently received the resignation of Jason Berri as webmaster
and Day Watson as editor of the popular Digital Review column. They
are not the only ones. Lack of time and other responsibilities force
me to step down myself. This means that also the Utility Round-up
column need a new editor. We know from personal experience that finding
new editors is a very difficult task, especially for a very specialized
column as the DR.

There are many duties and much time is needed to run WUN as a club. Our
staff is not in a position to donate any further time than what we do
already. Therefore, we believe that WUN as a club should cease to exist.
We do not have the staff to keep going. We have certainly appreciated
the input and assistance of many longtime members. However, the work
involved simply is too much.


As a replacement, I have started a Yahoo list that is easy and simple to
maintain, called Utility DXers Forum. This will eliminate the need
for website support and many of the other duties required of an actual
non-profit club. UDXF will not be affiliated with WUN. UDXF will focus
on the same sort of stations as WUN did, so why not join the list and
keep ute dxing alive! (the link is in the title above. The group will be activated on the 15th mja)

Effective April 15, 2006 the WUN list will be terminated. Members are
encouraged to join UDXF.


As you know, I edited two columns for the WUN newsletter: the "Utility
Round-up" column and "Numbers & Oddities". The latter also appeared as
a separate newsletter for members of the Spooks list and other dxers who
are interested in numbers stations. N&O included info that was sent to
the WUN and Spooks mailing lists and info sent directly to me. Please,
note that N&O a.k.a. "The Spooks Newsletter" and the N&O website will
continue. Numbers stations logs posted to the UDXF and Spooks mailing
lists will be included in N&O's future editions.

On behalf of WUN's staff end editors, I thank you for your support in
the past 10 years and I hope to read your logs on the Utility DXers

Ary Boender
WUN President
No decision has yet been made to rescue the many files on the WUN server. I've offered our Wiki section as a way to keep the links going, but so far, no word on this.

A very sad day for utility DXing, for sure.

73s Mike


Jul 9, 2005
What is going to happen to the WUN search data? I am in the process of creating a web interface for my logs, and am willing to make this info public. It is at the moment a very small database, but if you're willing to give me a dump of the WUN logs, I could offer the search up on my web page.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I'm not the admin of the list, just a satisfied user :D

Anyhow, you'd better get whatever data you want quickly. I understand that some of the data is copyrighted and that's being negotiated as we speak. But it will take time to get all this straightened out, particularly with the holidays fast approaching.

73s Mike


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
That is really too bad. I remember finding WUN back when I was first into SWL in the 90s. It's a shame to see them closing down. Thankfully somebody posted a zip that contains the whole site for archival purposes.


Jul 9, 2005
Yeah! Where is this so called "zip"? Anyhow, whether it's copyrighted or not, I don't want the data for my own profit, but for the reason of keeping the logs publically avaialable. I, in no way want to make money off this resource, or play it off as my own. I am a web programmer, and was thinking of taking on the responsibility of keeping the utility log going, with a synonymous search, and even a user logging feature. If you guys want to keep this site concept going, let's put our heads together and get it done.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I had heard on the old (now defunct) WUN server that several folks offered to keep the site as a backup in zip format, however I don't know if anything came of that. However, I see that someone has copied the website contents over to...

I must stress that I don't know how long this is going to last. Ary Boender is going to have his hands full; he has an upcoming surgery, a house move, and (if the rumor mill is correct) he's getting married (!!) so things may be in something of a mishmosh for a bit. I understand that the files will be migrated to the new UDXF server eventually, and MT is going to host Jeff Haverlah's excellent EAM article. We now have the old WUN links on our MediaWiki site (I kept on calling it Wikipedia, and it's really not...)

73s Mike


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
blantonl said:

I have been developing a UTE Logging and Reporting Applicaiton for - will roll out in the Summer...

We are Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. :D

All joking aside, sounds like another great addition to the site!


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
ka3jjz said:
I had heard on the old (now defunct) WUN server that several folks offered to keep the site as a backup in zip format, however I don't know if anything came of that. However, I see that someone has copied the website contents over to...

I must stress that I don't know how long this is going to last. Ary Boender is going to have his hands full; he has an upcoming surgery, a house move, and (if the rumor mill is correct) he's getting married (!!) so things may be in something of a mishmosh for a bit. I understand that the files will be migrated to the new UDXF server eventually, and MT is going to host Jeff Haverlah's excellent EAM article. We now have the old WUN links on our MediaWiki site (I kept on calling it Wikipedia, and it's really not...)

73s Mike

Just by way of update - the Utility DXers Forum Yahoo group is alive and healthy. Several of the old WUN files have been recovered and placed in the groups' files area, and one or two new ones added. In addition Jeff Haverlah's article on monitoring EAMs has been replicated on the Monitoring Times website, and the new UDXF home page is up and running.

The WUN ALE FAQ has been linked into the ALE page as well.

All I need to do now is to link in the EAM file on the MT website, and the utility wiki has been updated.

73s Mike
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