Im looking for some help. I own a Wouxun KG-UV6D and a Wouxun KG-UVD1. I programmed both radios from the computer using all the recommended software and cable. Both radios operated normally without any issues. I used the radios every day for a few weeks, then it started giving me problems. When i would turn on the UV6D, the settings would be back to default. I would get the chinese voice and everything that i set to custom would be back to default. Whats weird is that the frequencies would still be saved in the radio but the settings were all changed. This would happen every time i turned the radio off. This same things happened with the UVD1 about a week later also. I am currently still having this problem with both radios, and it seems the only way to get my settings back is to manually change them from the radio, or change them from the computer. Is anyone else experiencing this problem, or can anybody share any help? I am not big into radios or radio repair, I'm just using this radio to monitor and transmit on Fire and EMS frequencies.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Any help would be greatly appreciated