If conditions were 'normal' all the time, then you'd hear the same stuff over and over. Knock out the big guns and now you've got a chance at something rare. Past few night I've been finding stations from Brazil just knocking my socks off that are usually just barely audible. For example I had 9665khz Voz Missionaria all alone last night. In fact, it was basically the only station audible on the whole band, and I've NEVER heard them before. Of course this was at 0800z and I should have been sleeping. Another, much earlier, I think around 0400z, I had Radio Clube' 4885khz, which is a regular, but that night it was BOOMING in, S9+ and surprisingly, again, the only station audible from Brazil. I think part of it is to listen often enough to be able to recognize when you've got something different coming through.You may not know what it is right away, but you think "Hmmm .... this ain't right." KEEP TUNING!
Edit: 11,670khz 2120z All India Radio S9+20db in ENGLISH, NO QRM.. EXCELLENT!