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Database Admin
Mar 24, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I'm currently listening to the Concord WRC repeater and there is an officer in the field talking to Raleigh. When Raleigh keys up the repeater, the tone 186.2 Hz is used, but when the WRC officer keys up, it switches to 151.4 Hz. How is this working with two sepearate CTCSS tones? I noticed something similar with the Forest City repeater a while back, but I thought it was just a mistake because it was so late.


Apr 29, 2001
Fort Mill, S.C. (just south of Charlotte, N.C.)
Each WRC repeater site has two tones ... Raleigh uses one to talk "to" field units, and field units use the other to talk "back to" Raleigh.

When field units go to talk-around to talk to each other, they use the dispatch tone (186.2 Hz in the case of the Concord site).

From my listening over the years, Raleigh dispatch generally does not monitor the talk-around side of the repeater, but has the ability to do so on atleast some of the sites.

By having two tones, the dispatchers in Raleigh can focus their attention on listening for field units calling them, rather than having to hear all communications going on at each of the repeater sites.

Here's some of the pairs of P.L. tones in use at sites:

Forest City - 159.090 .......... 203.5 and 136.5
Winnabow - 159.285 .......... 173.8 and 136.5
Mount Mitchell - 159.285 .......... 186.2 and 210.7
Lumber Bridge - 159.315 .......... 151.4 and 136.5
Concord - 159.315 .......... 186.2 and 151.4
Haw River - 159.315 .......... 210.7 and 203.5
Boone 159.345 .......... 186.2 and 103.5
Troy 159.345 .......... 173.8 and 151.4
Winston-Salem 159.345 .......... 203.5 and 210.7

( the first tone is used by dispatch, and by field units for talk-around; the second tone is used by field units when talking with dispatch )


Database Admin
Mar 24, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Well that makes sense when you add in the remote access with Raleigh. I've never really noticed missing out any traffic but I'm sure if it's just WRC shooting the breeze then I'm not that sad about missing out. Thanks for the explination.


Apr 29, 2001
Fort Mill, S.C. (just south of Charlotte, N.C.)
I've never really noticed missing out any traffic but I'm sure if it's just WRC shooting the breeze then I'm not that sad about missing out. Thanks for the explination.

If you're not listening to both tones, you're not hearing the field unit talking with the dispatcher.

And, if you're only listening to the dispatch-side tone, you would also be hearing the field units talking to each other when they use the talk-around side of the repeater.

Think of how the NCHP officers use the dispatch side of their low band channels for car-to-car, except in the WRC situation, officers are using the dispatcher's P.L. tone.

BTW ... you get some interesting conversations coming across the repeaters early in the mornings when WRC officers are out doing surveillance on a hunting area for spotlighters or people hunting out-of-season.


Jan 15, 2007
They have a lot of CG freqs. I bought a pallet of their Progress Lines from State Surplus many moons ago. There was a sizeable box that went uner the seat that was full of reeds. I was told that the different tones were for different repeaters, as most used the same pairs for in and out. We used then for our Rescue Squad members and sold some to Hertford and Northampton County Special Deputies and some to Ahoslie PD Auxilaries.

Moto sold WRC and SBI some radios that they quit making. That is how WRC and NCSBI ended up on the same frequencies. NCSBI may have moved on. They abandoned their State low band channels when they got these and my have abandoned the High band when they went VIPER.


Nov 7, 2003
Raleigh, NC

They have a lot of CG freqs. I bought a pallet of their Progress Lines from State Surplus many moons ago. There was a sizeable box that went uner the seat that was full of reeds. I was told that the different tones were for different repeaters, as most used the same pairs for in and out. We used then for our Rescue Squad members and sold some to Hertford and Northampton County Special Deputies and some to Ahoslie PD Auxilaries.

Moto sold WRC and SBI some radios that they quit making. That is how WRC and NCSBI ended up on the same frequencies. NCSBI may have moved on. They abandoned their State low band channels when they got these and my have abandoned the High band when they went VIPER.

As an FYI, dont expect to hear much traffic on the VHF WRC channels for much longer. Almost all of the districts have their VIPER radios (All east of I-95 do) and the VHF stations are coming out. Most of the WRC stations were on towers with leases and the sooner they are removed the sooner the state saves the rent!

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